Paint up a 1000 points of Seraphon and base them. Half based mostly pained over all I'm super satisfied. Play a game at a local games shop. I had a great time doing so I'm already signed up for next months game day and I've joined a whatsapp group for my (relatively)local area. Anything else is a bonus Scored a nice bonus point or two by getting around to some Lumineth.
Here's my end of month overview. Not quite as much progress as I wanted but I did get a few things done. Alas, I don't think Sisters are for me (so many intricate details and i'm finding power armour not that enjoyable to paint.) I'll (eventually) finish my 500ish point lists and a few of the other bits and pieces I have and may contemplate moving to something different in my pile o' shame. Assemble: 1 Models of the Month: - Completed! Morgwaeth’s Blade-Coven: – Completed! 3 Sisters of Battle: – Two Completed. Last one is still being stripped of old paint. 1 Bugmansson: - Completed! Paint: Blackpowder’s Buccaneers Warband: - Four Completed! Blackpowder himself remains unpainted. I need to do some gap filling on him as well. 5 Seraphim: - 5 Sisters of Battle: – Completed! 1 Canoness: – Mostly basecoated with some early washes applied. 1 Prussian Dragoon: – Completed! 1 Punga Minis Pi-rat: – 1 Model of the Month (Aelf): - Completed! Base: Blackpowder’s Buccaneers: – Four Completed! 1 Pi-rat: –
The last work this month, putting paint on Lizards: - Completing Moria Goblin test models. - Paint up 10 more Moria Goblins - Paint up a Moria Cave Troll - Paint something Lizards - Read, vote and write a review on the Short-story contest Grrr, !mrahil