Blog Togetic's Beginner Bin

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Togetic, Oct 15, 2019.

  1. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Really nice conversion, It works very well!

    Grrr, !mrahil
    Togetic likes this.
  2. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Third animosity submission, finally getting my Raptadon Lancers together. I like emphasizing the knightly aspect more by giving them a sword and shield setup instead of their lances (which i guess defies the point of the name) and i'm always on the lookout to make something a chameleon skink and get use out of my random hunters of huanchi bits. The banner i'm a big fan of, i'd been wanting to find a use for the slann's orb for a while now and i realized how perfectly it fits in the hole left behind when i clip out the normal banner- it makes it look like an arcane device the orb fits in when its not active, but floats in this crackling flow of energy when the banner is on.

    I will probably swap out the stormcast sword for something a little less huge just because i'm not the biggest fan of it, but for now it's the best i've got.[​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. Nathan Weeres

    Nathan Weeres Active Member

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    I went through a few of my kits I had laying around idk if you have any contacts that play any of these armies but Lumieth bladelords have a dual wiled option but only for the leader and the kit comes with 4 one hand swords the thickness feels pretty right on one of my foot skinks but its a little long(might be good for a mounted tho), the swords from the sisters of the watch/shadow warriors kit is a really good fit as well as the one from Galen ven Denst kit, Skaven is the right size but I don't have a lot of them and cant imagine theres any that fit the knight astetic. Another option might be to take a spear head from something like a vindictor.
    Noxolotl and Togetic like this.
  4. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Turn 4's animosity post, but not enough time this week to fully finish a paintjob. So instead i've got a WIP of the Terrawing using the same scheme as the ripperdactyl from last week, a little messier than that one but I think it's working so far[​IMG]
    Imrahil, Noxolotl and JTSleep like this.
  5. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Not fully done with this turn’s animosity submission, but I ended up finally visiting my lgs to check out the local aos scene and in the process finding a single eternity warden at a discounted rate, so I guess it’s the will of the old ones that I go back when I have enough of an army painted and together to play.

    Now I just have to figure out what to use him as. I’ll give greenstuff casting a go on his helmet because it’d be great for my bloodbowl guard, but his fate from there is up in the air. Oldblood on foot is easiest, but maybe he’d be good base decoration on my Slann or starpriest?
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2023
    Noxolotl likes this.
  6. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Unfortunately my kroak arrived too late to participate in this year's animosity, but my poor starseer holding the line for his allies to escape and getting exploded means there's a strong narrative hook for the next one to finally track down this mummified old man and remember old Tu'bok back into existence.

    Old kroak is a little smaller than the modern slann, but honestly not by very much, it's very believable that this is the standard skeleton under the layers of tubby frog and he fits over the messy parts the slann normally covers very easily. I think this is going to look great when I finally paint him up and get it all working fine.
  7. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Thought i'd also throw the size comparison in here while i'm at it, definitely smaller by a bit (accounting for their different poses) but you can see the difference is mostly accounted for by the the lack of bulky slann blubber. I'm not totally sure what i'll do with the old slann now i've got kroak to use in his place, i'm probably magnetizing the chair anyway just to fit either my starseer or my kroak depending on the mood, but I guess i could slot him onto the resin kroak chair and use him in warcry until they inevitably update the profile there. Maybe use that as a second starseer? Not sure if that'd be too visually confusing though.

    Maybe i'll stick him on an endless spell or incarnate or something and have him be a fun decoration for that, the ghostly spirit of the slann controlling whatever it is.


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