
Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Hookadoodle, Dec 19, 2010.

  1. Hookadoodle

    Hookadoodle New Member

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    So im thinking of starting beastmen. I like the models and the fluff for them
    What are your thoughts about them
    Are they a pretty balanced army etc
    How do they play/ what are their strenghts/weaknesses?
  2. Captain Chameleon

    Captain Chameleon New Member

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    Well, ive only played against beastmen once, but from what ive seen, they can be brutal, tactically...
    they have some skirmishers that can arrive behind your lines and harrass u from ur vulnerable flanks.
    and they have alot of augmentation spells that can make their weaker troops more formidable to ur troops that would usually smash them...
    most of their troops are close combat specialists, however they do have some ranged attackers that u would probably want to kill off soon

    i found that skinks were good against their monsters as i had 24 poisoned blowpipe attacks against them, killing 3 minotaurs in one round of shooting (if you're doing beasts, u might wanna take out skinks if youre taking on lizards)

    thats my 2 cents, hope it helps
  3. Gor-rok

    Gor-rok Member

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    I've fought them twice now with my Ogre army against two different opponents. It seems like they either win big or lose big, depending on the skill of their general and the luck of their ambushers turning up where and when they're supposed to.

    Minotaurs are really nasty, no two ways about it, and a Doombull can be one of the meanest close combat Lords if outfitted correctly. I can't say the Beastigors worried me too much; it seemed like their cost was prohibitive for what they actually brought to the table. Big swarms of Gors/ Ungors worked well, as did ambushing chariots. Centigors are all right, but Gorros makes a unit of them really good.

    Their magic can be decent, and their shamen are tough for the price. My second game, one of them caused no end of havoc with Transformation of Kadon. Shamen in groups gathered around a Herdstone spamming signature spells can be devastating.

    The big monsters are tough, but expensive. Ghorgon would be my bet, since it's great in combat and can 'eat' enemies to heal itself.

    Overall, they look really fun to play. Try this forum for good information:

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