Hi everyone! Im pretty excited to start this blog (couple of months later than planned). First of all excuse me for my english. I'll try to write this as understantable as posible. I used to play Lizardmen back in Fantasy battles 7 and 8ed. This year i got back in the hobby thanks to Kill Team, and the Ancients wanted me to slowly get closer to the idea of starting a new Seraphon army... so i did. At very first i decided i would only play new models, so i could use my old lizardmen for Old World, then I realized im not Jeff Bezos and i cant afford right now a whole new army, so im kind of using my old models apart of the new ones i already got. In this blog i want to share with you the whole proccess, including the painting process, kitbash ideas, and of course i'll ask you for advice and opinion. I'm no any prolevel painter, but i think kitbashing and painting are my favourites parts of this hobby. This first entry will be used as an introduction as a general list or index of what i'm working on and already finished: Paint: - Find proper scheme for skinks - Stegadon - New Slann - 5x Raptadon lancer - 10x New saurus - Carnosaur and oldblood - 1/2 salamander (spawn of chotec) Assemble (still in box): - Aggradon scar veteran - 5x Raptadon chargers Kit bash: - Starseer - Astrolith bearer - Spawn of chotec crew I think thats all by now!
SKINK SCHEME: I'd like to start asking some advice for my skink scheme. I saw a cool scheme online a time ago, ind tried to copy it but trying to get distance from the blue, because my old army was a classic blue lizardmen army, but for this army i want a more personal scheme.. Here's the link of the original reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/comments/vptsi6/underworlds_skink_painted_90_with_the_new/ And this is mine (sorry for the weird filter, its the phone): As you can see i changed the blue scales for purple ones.. I kinda of like, BUT the problem comes when i think i want to paint my Saururs with A RED SCHEME (rathalos like). I also painted 3 stegadon crew to see how they fit with the stegadon scheme.. and im not convinced. See it for yourself and tell me your opinion I read you guys! Bondi.
The concept aounds promising, and the skink is looking good. Im looking forward to seeing how this goes
Hi guys! Lil update I'm finisihing my studies so the time i have for the hobby is quite little, but here is what i've been working on: I'm trying to kitbash a skink starseer using the old slann chair and bits from different kits I used some extra bits from the new slann chair to build some kind of base to put over the old chair. I used some troglodon bits, and added green stuff to fill cavities. For the skinkseer i used a skink chief body from the stegadon kit and fixed the posture. I also used my knife tool to flatten all the details from the chest in order to add mine. I used a raptadon charger head and glued some feathers from the banner to make him look more magistic. Finally, i changed the tail posture to make him fit in the base. Im working on the staff hand, and looking forward for some friend of mine to lend me a proper open skink hand (like from the starpriest kit). Im pretty excited on this one! hope it ends good Thank you all for reading!
Hi guys! Here's some progress on the skink starseer. Still looking for a proper left arm, but btm this is how its going I used some weapong from raptadon chargers for the staff. Also, i took from a alternative slann head necklance a part which fit really good in the skink. I continued working on the chair. Used troglodon's bit as some kind of floating stone ring. Had to cut every detail and change its orientation because i liked more the serrated edge. Also used the remaining parts from the raptadon chargers to fill the little platforms sides. Finally i took a couple bits from the stegadon kit, and this is how its looking! Hope you like it! And thanks for reading