In one of my innumerable segmented thoughts, I am going to blog about my experiments with duochromatic painting of armies and other figures In essence this is really just exercises in drybrushing at various strengths and with various grey and white tones over black, with one added accent color. My first experiment will be with accent color red skaven, followed by accent color blue stormcast. I had initially only intended to do so with the skaven, but I came across a copy of stormvault this evening for $15, and now I have 6 stormcast to paint in the new-to-sort pile. 5 clanrats are primed and drying out in the garage. I will update when I can put some layers on them.
I've got some bigger models in the mix now with some rat ogres. The next stop is probably some clan rats and then a warp lightning Cannon. What does everyone think about the purposely limited palette? Does this scheme work in your opinion?