Hello boys and girls and welcome to Let's Get Motivated - November 2023 This thread is too get us motivated each month into finishing projects that we have on the go, the rules are fairly simple. At the start of the month post what you intend to try and finish this month, it can be models/terrain/conversions of any game type. No pressure if you don't finish anything this is for motivation nothing else. Around the middle of the month post your progress, no images please, if you have want to share your progress with images, upload them into your blog and supply a link. Around the end of the month post your progress, again no images, if you have finished a piece upload the images into your blog and supply a link. The reason I don't want images in this thread is too get everyone that takes part views in their personal blog where the community can critique, etc. You don't have a paint blog? well get one started in this forum section. If you need advice etc. post here and the community will try and answer. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress Grrr, !mrahil
Partial goals (mostly done already): Finish DG Rhino Finish those 4 unfinished Plague marines Possibly paint those last 10 termagaunts Full goals: Do some work on Saurus warriors Paint GUO Paint 2 DG commanders Try to participate in Feathered Serpent Start working on my flames of war german tanks that I have in closet for year and half. edit: FoW stuff added
Mine will be fairly simple: to complete the bases of at least one of my armies. Additionally, it wouldn't be bad to be able to build some models still on sprue and paint them, but that's a bigger goal
With the recent inspiration!! this month my goal will be as follow!! step one build all models needed for my new SCE dragon only army!!! (I may or may not Allie some flying seraphon in there too will see!!) step 2 paint as much of those dragons as I can !!! Shouldn’t be too hard since they’re only a few models!!! At the very least but on a base colour I guess!! wish me luck!! oh and obviously play a AOS game with sais army!!!
My goals will be: - Create and paint some Scenery for the upcoming scenario in the campaign with my brother - Paint a small force of Moria Goblins - Enter a miniature in the current Feathered Serpent contest - Read, vote and write reviews on the current Short story contest Grrr, !mrahil
First goal checked: - Create and paint some Scenery for the upcoming scenario in the campaign with my brother - Paint a small force of Moria Goblins - Enter a miniature in the current Feathered Serpent contest - Read, vote and write reviews on the current Short story contest Grrr, !mrahil
Firsth update: Partial goals (mostly done already): Finish DG Rhino - nothing done yet Finish those 4 unfinished Plague marines - done Possibly paint those last 10 termagaunts - nothing done yet Full goals: Do some work on Saurus warriors - nothing done yet Paint GUO - about 80% done Paint 2 DG commanders - primed and preshaded Try to participate in Feathered Serpent - nothing done yet Start working on my flames of war german tanks that I have in closet for year and half - I painted tracks on 7 tanks
Story contest - reading and voting is live. Join in!! - Create and paint some Scenery for the upcoming scenario in the campaign with my brother - Paint a small force of Moria Goblins - Enter a miniature in the current Feathered Serpent contest - Read, vote and write reviews on the current Short story contest Grrr, !mrahil
Read, voted on and written reviews of the stories in the current contest: - Create and paint some Scenery for the upcoming scenario in the campaign with my brother - Paint a small force of Moria Goblins - Enter a miniature in the current Feathered Serpent contest - Read, vote and write reviews on the current Short story contest Grrr, !mrahil
Second update: Partial goals (mostly done already): Finish DG Rhino - done Finish those 4 unfinished Plague marines - done Possibly paint those last 10 termagaunts - nothing done yet Full goals: Do some work on Saurus warriors - nothing done yet Paint GUO - 95% done, just scenic corpse is missing Paint 2 DG commanders - primed and preshaded Try to participate in Feathered Serpent - nothing done yet Start working on my flames of war german tanks that I have in closet for year and half - 4 panthers done
Working on some Scenery: - Create and paint some Scenery for the upcoming scenario in the campaign with my brother - Paint a small force of Moria Goblins - Enter a miniature in the current Feathered Serpent contest - Read, vote and write reviews on the current Short story contest Grrr, !mrahil
Goals: - 12 aggradons, get them battle ready - 3 kroxigor, battleready - try to finish assembling another unit from the seraphon launch box
I've painted over 30 skaven, 4 rat ogres, and a war machine. I also painted some Orruk brutes and a few random odds and ends. November went well. I'm hoping to continue into December and hopefully surpass this amount of productivity.
Result: Finish DG Rhino Finish those 4 unfinished Plague marines Paint Great Unclean One 4 Flames of War tanks Paint 2 DG commanders - One done, second preshaded 10 termagaunts - preshaded New saurus warriors - 5 have some paint on them Try to participate in Feathered Serpent - clipped new slann from sprues, but no time to glue
We’ll finish building 8 dragons and prime them all!! Painted 4 base at 90% build a tonne of Tyranids I would say a successful month over all!!