Blog Suds' 2024 Hobby Blog

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Sudsinabucket, Jan 4, 2024.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Original: <Place Holder>


    Hey Lustria!

    It’s been a while since I made my first post, which never really turned into anything beyond <Place Holder>. This year has been rough (though admittedly some very good times in there also) and though I had great hopes for my blog in 2024 (such as showing actual finished models, ha) it simply didn’t happen. The stress of life, I believe, has eaten away at my hobby motivation. There were a few times I thought about posting, but I just didn’t think it was enough, silly I know, but again I had goals I wanted to adhere to, so a month slowly turned into 9 months, and here we are. Things are getting better, and I’m in my last semester of school, so that is a good feeling (even if this semester will be my hardest, ugh).

    Though I have not had much energy for hobbying I have been able to work, and even finish, a few projects - though it was trying lol I really had to push myself to finish. Over the next few days, I hope to share what I have finished in the last 9 months, and what I am currently working on.

    Other exciting news: My partner may be finally sticking her feet into the hobby realm of life! She loves both the Seraphon and Skaven, so more than likely one will be her starter army (likely Skaven). We’re talking about both AOS 4.0 & One Page Rules: Age of Fantasy, so I’m super stoked. None of us know the rules, so it’ll be a fun learning experience. I am also wanting to go learn the game at my local Warhammer store. She is particularly excited about making terrain, which is awesome to me because terrain is just a lot of fun to do (and I’m excited to do more of it!). I also have an old friend who has gotten into the hobby, so hoping to get together with him sometime. And in funny happening, I found out one of my discord friends is a literal neighbour of mine! So, we’re trying to find a time to get together and do some hobbying/gaming.

    I reached a milestone in my hobby journey this summer: I entered my first painting competition. Said neighbour from the paragraph above convinced me to join the Lumineth Discord painting competition, and it was a lot of fun. Though I did not win my category outright, I did win the most creative category! So that was really spectacular to win, especially with my first painting competition. It honestly helped get some of my hobby motivation/mojo/juju back. There were so many great painters and pieces done, its an honor to have won anything. I’m excited to join another, and possibly a local competition sometime. I’ll be making a post sharing the model soon.

    As always my hobby is a circular motion of projects subbing in and out depending on what I want to work on at the time. However, it usually comes back to working on my Lumineth or Seraphon. I have my eyes on building up a Darkoath-themed chaos army with beasts, and some BoC subbing in as a few units (I think if I can make it work). I’m still dabbling in Conquest also, but it is definitely on the back burner, but when I do get back to it I will be working on my Sorcerer Kings; they are such lovely models.

    I can’t promise I’ll be posting *a lot*, but I am hoping to post periodically for the rest of the year and just being more in the community again.

    Hope you’re all doing well!

    Last edited: Sep 6, 2024
  2. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    <following with interest>
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  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    First true post of the year, and it feels good!

    I had mentioned that I was in a painting competition, and I thought it appropriate to share the miniature from that, which I'm very proud of. I decided for the competition to do my Wind Mage for my Lumineth. It was not required that it be a Lumineth piece, but I've had the Wind Mage sitting and waiting to be done that I felt it was time. I had kitbashed it a bit to fit my Storm theme of my Wind Temple, which meant making some pretty big changes. Those changes included getting rid of the plastic stand and replacing it with lightning, which feels more sturdy anyway. Part of my Storm theme is that my temple venerates the 6th Major Wind Spirit (Homebrew) instead of the Seventh, aka Severinth from official lore. In my Homebrew my wind spirit takes the form of a giant Thunder Bird, which I made wind spirit into (pictured below). So to show that connection on the Wind Mage I changed the helm to resemble that of a Thunder Bird, using feathers and making part of the mask look like a beak (as if the Thunder Bird is diving). I even changed the weapons, or his "talons".

    For the color scheme, I kept it similar to the wind spirit, wanting to capture a storm vibe. I used lots of purples, grey-blues, greys, etc, especially on the cloud itself. The lighting was a mix of whites and bright blues, I have it striking a tree below as an anchor point. I'm happy with the lightning, but I think I could work on it more. The cloak flowing in a dark purple was done towards the end and I got a little sloppy with it, my paint a bit thick. the helm is probably my favorite part though, I loved doing the feathers and just imagining how it would look and how it came out. Overall, I'm really happy with how he came out, but I do think I could keep going to make them better.

    This wasn't the first miniature that I have finished this year, but felt the most appropriate to share first. More Lumineth to come, along with some Seraphon!

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  4. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Such a great looking kitbash/conversion. I love the poaing and the colors. Awesome connection with the Thunder Bird.

    Really something to be proud off :D

    Grrr, !mrahil
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  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks man! I appreciate it :)

    I love how the model naturally gives that pose for the weapons, I do think it was a good choice of weapons for the pose though lol I kinda hate the fan and little cube thing that it comes with, ha. And thank you, it was really important to me for them to connect in a very instant way. I am hoping to do the same, or similar at least, with my Wind Chargers; changing their helms to have feathers instead of the fox head.

    trying to finish some Wardens that I have had... for far too long xD going to post them when they're a little further along. I'm on my second 10, trying to catch them up with the first 10 that also aren't finished yet.
    Imrahil likes this.
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I hope everyone is having a swell Wednesday! I have been busy with classes and general life, I'm taking accounting 2 and Econ 2 this semester, and both are misery on a stick, ha. But all is well, it's beautiful out, and autumn is practically here - I'm excited.

    I thought it appropriate to continue the trend with another Lumineth kitbash, and the most recent that I'm currently working on! This kitbash i'm planning to use as three different models: Twins, Spirit of the Wind, and the Lord Regent. She will primarily be my Twins model, but I think she suits the other two quite well also.

    I am also excited to get into One Page Rules with my wife and a friend of ours. She will be using my Seraphon for AOS and for Saurians in OPR

    and eventually getting some Skaven, and our friend will be going Vampires.

    The Build:

    I have wanted to do this kitbash for a very long time, or at least something similar. An angelic leader that's been blessed by Celennar to be given wings, a battle mage of sorts. The descriptions of Lumineth being seen as angelic when those outside of Hysh see them inspired this, also the Zenith (Light) Temple and what could be.

    I used a lot of different Lumineth bits from the more premiere kits that I had left over from various projects and guttings.

    • The base model used is the Crone from Daughters of Cane, which I bought using the competition prize money.
    • The head comes from Elliana, from the Lumineth Twins kit.
    • The Spear is made from the original Crone staff and Teclis's sword.
    • The shield is the butt guard from the Spirit of the Mountains.
    • The Wing Guards/Armor is also from the Spirit of the Mountain.
    • The extra Braizer is from the Cathallar kit.
    What resulted, imo, is a warrior-mage worthy of Tyrion, Teclis, and Celennar! I really love how she came out.
    CelendriaWIP1.jpg CelendriaWIP2.jpg CelendriaWIP3.jpg CelendriaWIP4.jpg

    The Progress:

    I am really excited and happy about the progress so far I have been able to get done. I'm really aiming for that angelic look for her, and so far I think i'm accomplishing that. Her skin color is the biggest surprise, as it was originally not going to be red, but was intended just to be the base color for her skin tone. But after completing the base color... I really loved it, so i added some other brighter reds onto her lips, cheeks and elsewhere to help bring depth to it. Still needs some work, but I really stumbled onto something there. Her clothing are a mix of leather and cloth. I decided on white leather wrapping and black cloth with orange trim. I think this helps highlight the bright white and yellow wings (or will be once done). Her shield and wing guards are meant to look like stained glass, many have told me the wing guards look like Toucans, which i can not unsee! pretty cool how that works, and may play into a title down the line, unsure. I was originally going to call her something like "The Osprey" due to how i imagine she fights sometimes, anyway, thats a ramble lol.

    All in all in all she is coming along well I think, still some things to think through, mainly her base and spear tip. Spear tip i'm thinking either sunmetal or icy colors - i can definitely see both looking great.

    CelendriaP2.jpg CelendriaP3.jpg CelendriaP4.jpg CelendriaP5.jpg

    The Warscroll:

    I used Lordbaconbane's warscroll builder for this, and love it. I just took the Twins warscroll and changed some flavor text to better suit my model. Planning to do the same for Lord Regent and Spirit of the Wind.
    Warden, Vosrik, Imrahil and 4 others like this.
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Said Toucan Wing Guards, WIP: CelendriaP6.jpg
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  8. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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    It's amazing how you can make such a complex conversion look so natural and good. It all fits together so nicely.

    As you should. She is a beauty.
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I really appreciate that, a lot. The hobby has a lot of aspects to it, and I certainly dabble in a few different areas. But I would say that Kitbashing is my hobby within the hobby. I just get such joy out of bringing an idea to life through different bits that fit the vision in my head, bonus points when I make lore behind the kitbash. Hoping to only get better as I continue on this journey, though I will say the price increases are making that difficult to maintain my hobby, let alone do more elaborate kitbashes (or at all). I thankfully had a lot of left over bits for this one.

    Thank you :) She will look great leading my armies for her Gods and her City State!
    Imrahil and - Q - like this.
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Hey everyone, Happy Hallow's Eve!

    Life is busy! School is of course taking up lots of time, I was also sick for a few weeks, and we traveled to Georgia for a friend's wedding (which was amazing). My attention shifted a little back to some PC gaming also, have been really enjoying Path of Titans and WoW again. Hobby time, both purposely and out of my control has been a bit slim. I've gotten some stuff done on my Lumineth kitbash (I'll share more in a different post) and even worked on some Dawnriders (I know, it's been a long time)! So, I've been able to hobby some, which has been nice.

    However, what's really exciting and has really rejuvenated my hobby drive is something I've wanted for a long time: My partner is finally beginning her hobby journey!!
    We were able to get the last Skaventide box at our local Warhammer store. My partner really loves the Skaven and has been waiting for their re-release, I myself have been enjoying the new Stormcast releases. So it was a good and lucky find.

    I've been waiting 5 years for this, having the most important person to me to join me in this amazing hobby. It's just amazing. We've been painting a little bit, watching lots of paintings vies, reading lore... it's been magical.

    I will share her progress when I'm able, and I'm loving what she has so far, but for now you'll have to settle for just my Stormcast lol

    So far just some base colors, but I am enjoying the Stormcast more than I thought I would. I'm excited to build up their lore and go from there! Hoping to build us a Path to Glory campaign.

    Progress so far: 20241029_231926.jpg


    Bases - Gal Vorbrak Red, Sotek Green
    Metal- Balthasar Gold, Screaming Bell

    I am thinking of leaving part of the hammer black?

    More updates to come :) Ill still be working on my Lumineth as well, so updates on those coming also! Hope you're all doing great!
  11. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    The loin protective metal looks slightly thin over the black undercoat. I would go over that with a light drybrush.

    You've nailed the magenta and blue though.
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  12. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    That is an awesome step, Suds. Really happy for you to share the hobby between the both of you.

    Looking forward to her progress as well, watch out or she will have more painted models than you have soon :p

    Really stoked for you!
    If you are interested I have a SCE army from the Soul Wars box still on sprue ;)

    Grrr, !mrahil
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you! Definitely loving the color combo, they do really go well together. The plume is a mystery to (color wise), but it'll come together eventually.

    Yeah, for sure. I have just done very thin watered down applications with the Metallics, so still have a few layers to build up yet.

    I appreciate it, thank you :)
    Imrahil and Lord-Marcus like this.
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Agreed, I'm so happy. It's been a long time coming. Just proves if you have patience and just show your passion that it can/will be magnetic to those around you. She's having a blast, so even better (even if a little anxious lol but we've all been there, and still are sometimes lol).

    Lol maybe. She, at the moment, is painting pretty slow (which is good and fine), so in her words "it's going to be a while until I have a fully painted unit" lol. So we will see! Once she's more confident in her abilities... I'm sure she will lol I have no doubt. We both have ADHD though, so, this could be a wild ride haha! I will absolutely share when she feels more comfortable, excited to. She wants to get some plaguerats eventually, and has her eyes on a few of the heroes (holiday gift ideas no dohbt). So... lol probably eventually unless I get my act together haha

    Thanks man, it's undoubtedly one of my happiest moments lol buying that box knowing she is wanting to jump in herself, not just because I want her to.

    Man, that's tempting as heck lol but I have no spare money, even for shipping, after buying our stuff xD

    If you still have it at a later time, I'd love to grow my force a bit! I appreciate you man

    Hope you and the family are doing well :)
    JTSleep and Imrahil like this.
  15. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Happy Halloween everyone!

    Hoping to get some painting in today, but it's a busy day so we'll see. I did want to show where I finished last night.

    The Stormcast got some more metallic work, primarily on the weapon. Used Stormhost Silver for the handle, and then the same gold and copper for the butt and the plates on the head of the weapon. Also got a few highlights done on the chest area, using Screamer Pink.

    I got reallllly far along on the little Raven-gryph. I went ahead less traditional route for the scheme, and used The Fang as a base for the non-feathery areas, and a combo of dry brishing Xereus Purple and Generstealer Purple over the Chaos Black primer. Though raven beaks are black, I decided on a more yellow beak, to help with some contrast of all the darker/cool colors.

    All in all, pretty happy with em so far! C&C always welcome 20241030_214712.jpg
  16. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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    Very nice work!
    Sudsinabucket and Lord-Marcus like this.
  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you!! Hoping to get more done tomorrow, all attempts to hobby since that post have been thwarted lol
    - Q - likes this.
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I am going to plan a PtG or some sort of narrative campaign for my partner and myself.

    My plan is to make a regional map for us on a grid or hex (undecided). Using dice rolls we can move a piece (think monopoly) to a grid square. Once on a square you'd roll again to figure out if you can claim said spot or if you have to engage in some sort of mission (patrol attack, wildlife defense, etc are Some ideas). All this will accumulate to key spots on the map (towns, mines, outposts, river crossings, main citadels/warrens, etc as examples).

    We are hoping this will all end in a lovely narrative.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could organize that a bit? I have some ideas of my own, but curious if anyone has done something similar?

    This is also meant to help us learn the game. For now, the plan is to stick to spearhead and just small armies of like 1k or less for patrol forces, etc depending on what the card of the mission says (I envision mission cards with like teir 1, 2, and 3 level armies/patrols to pick from at random)

    Won't be for awhile as we are both slow painters lol but I'll share as I begin to develop the narrative and such
    Imrahil and Warden like this.
  19. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    That is a really great idea. I love the idea of more overhead lore for a series of games.

    The MESBG Battle Companies handbook has a map based campaign option. It works with a world map in hexagon tiles. Critical (movie) locations give specific army buffs and if territories border there is posibility to claim it after a battle win.

    Intrigued to see what you will come up with, your lore creativity will make it great no doubt :)

    Grrr, !mrahil

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