Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Nov 9, 2010.


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I created my own special character, Zky-Wok'or, with background fluff and rules. I'm also designing a temple city for my army. This is the story I wrote to introduce my character Zky-Wok'or and the temple city of Ichtaca (I hope you enjoy it)...

    Very little is known about the mysterious temple city of Ichtaca, for it is among the best kept secrets even among the servants of the Old Ones. Outside its city walls, knowledge of her existence is a privilege and responsibility entrusted to only the very wisest and powerful of the Slann Mage-Priests.

    Scattered stories and rumors are told by those who have traveled deep into Lustria and stumbled onto its magnificence. These accounts are extremely scarce as most who have laid eyes on the secret city have been met with a brutal end at the hands of the city’s guardians. Those few who have miraculously avoided their demise are often dismissed as fools and heretics that have been driven mad by the many diseases and toxins that find refuge on the Lustrian continent. Most perplexing of all are the accounts of follow up expeditions that have returned to the temple city to find no trace of its existence. Endless jungles are found in place of a mighty city that once stood there only a short time ago.

    A few scholars dispersed throughout the Empire have attempted to collect and piece together all stories and writings related to Ichtaca. From these collected works it has been proposed that Ichtaca is not of a fixed location, as sightings of the city have paradoxically placed it near the chasm of Condor, the jungles of Pahualaxa, Gwakamol Crater and the Mangrove coast. These theories have thus far been met with great skepticism and ridicule, for the magical ability to produce such a feat is unfathomable and believed to be impossible.

    Within the great stone walls of the city, each and every Saurus, Skink and Slann know full well the importance of protecting the riches that lie within. For at the precise center of the temple city lies the greatest treasure of the revered old ones; the sacred spawning pool of life. It is from here that every thousand years a spawning of unparalleled importance takes place. For every millennium a single Slann emerges from its blessed waters. The fate of Ichtaca is forever tied with the survival of the venerable Mage Lords, for nowhere other than the spawning pool of life has a Slann been spawned since the disappearance of the Old Ones. Apart from the seven Slann that have thus far emerged, the spawning pool of life has laid dormant… with one exception.

    Sometime between the 1,000 year period of the emergence of the second and third Slann from the sacred pool, a lone saurus arose from its mystical blue waters. Although lacking the markings that would typically signify a spawning of this importance; it was evident that Zky-Wok’or was unique among his kind. He possessed the strength and ferocity inherent within the saurian race, but his mind was quick and nimble, greatly exceeding the mental faculties of his kin. As such, he has often stood in isolation, neither alike to Saurus or Skink and without a clear function within the temple city. For Zky’Wok-or this mattered not, for his refuge was among the beasts of the jungles with whom he has always shared a symbiotic bond of respect. All creatures, from the minuscule Zinty fly to the gigantic Thunder lizard meticulously heed his every command; leading some among the cities ranks to revere him as a living embodiment of Itzl.

    Besieged by visions, as if nature itself was calling him forth, Zky’Wok-or declared that he was to embark on a pilgrimage into the Old World. This was met with great resistance, and blood would have most surely been spilt if not for the intervention of Mage Lord Tlama’tini who declared that the Old Ones must have spawned Zky’Wok-or for this purpose. So it was that Zky’Wok-or departed Ichtaca, and would not step forth on Lustrain soil for a thousand years. Throughout that time there are many recordings among the younger races of sightings of a lone reptilian warrior. Wood Elf scrolls speak of a foreign warrior who effortlessly made his way through Athel Loren to slaughter great numbers of the depraved Beastmen that stalked their land. Dwarvian tomes tell tales of battles against the vile green skins whose tide was turned by the appearance of a scaly warrior. While among the Elves of Naggaroth, the loss of a dragon egg to a single Saurian infiltrator is an incident still pitted with great shame even after a thousand years have past.

    It was not until Ichtaca’s need was at its most dire, that her lost son returned once more to defend her gates. Through some unknown means, a rift was forged between realms allowing a horde of Tzeentch’s mightiest daemons to bleed through into Lustria. Lead by a host of seven potent Lords of Change, the daemonic intruders sought to capture and retrieve for their deity the sacred spawning pool of life. With the defenses of Ichtaca on the verge of collapse, Zky-Wok’or borne atop Xiuhcoatl lead a spearhead of Lustria’s mightiest creatures into his unsuspecting foes and thereby providing the time required by the Mage Priests to seal the rift. With the nullification of the chaos incursion, Zky-Wok’or and his mighty dragon were honored by the whole of the city including its entire contingent of Slann lords. Since that time, Zky-Wok’or has come to the aid of multiple temple cities and his appearance is always interpreted as a good omen by saurus and skink alike. None, including Zky-Wok’or himself truly knows where his destiny will take him; only that the path placed before him was forged by the Old Ones so very long ago.

    Please let me know what you think! :meh:
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Prety kool,
    Can't wait to see your
    Scarvet on a Dragon. :smug:

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Thank you. Now if I can only acquire some skills with green stuff. And of course the whole issue of painting up the rest of my army first! :jawdrop: haha
  4. Slanny*are*tranny
    Cold One

    Slanny*are*tranny New Member

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  5. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    Zky-wok'or... Skywalker? Does he have a lightsaber?

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    No lightsaber I'm afraid. I'm glad someone caught on to the star wars reference. :meh:

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