8th Ed. [TOW]2k - First try

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Acehilator, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. Acehilator

    Acehilator Well-Known Member

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    Character: Slann Mage-Priest - 435

    Discipline of the Old Ones: Wandering Deliberations (40), Battle Standard Bearer (25),
    Cupped Hands of the Old Ones (55), Ring of Ruby Ruin (30)
    4x Signature Spell: The Summoning (Daemology), Drain Magic (High Magic), Storm Call (Elementalism), Monsoon (Lore of Lustria)

    Core: Saurus Warriors x20 321 (Thrusting Spears, full command)
    Core: Temple Guard x20 366 (full command, War Banner magic standard)
    Core: Skink Skirmishers x10 50 (Javelins & Shields)
    Core: Skink Skirmishers x10 50 (Javelins & Shields)

    Special: Bastiladon 175 (Solar Engine)
    Special: Bastiladon 175 (Solar Engine)
    Special: Kroxigors 154 (Ancient)

    Rare: Troglodon 200 (Illusion Signature Spell: Glittering Robe)

    TOTAL: 1926

    So yeah. Just build a giant castle (Trog center, one block of Saurus on each side, Slann behind, Bastis on the flanks to leverage Impervious Defense, run Skirmishers and Krox where needed), move to midboard and duke it out? Use Magic Missile spam to force the opponent to come closer if he tries to avoid the brawl.

    I am not married to using the Trog, just want to build the model and try it out. Same with the Kroxigors really, but I guess I really need them to deal with large stuff.

    For opponents, I foresee two or three Orcs&Goblins, one or two Tomb Kings, one Chorf and maybe one Empire/Bretonia/Wood Elves each.

    First time I am playing anything WHFB related. No idea what I am doing, but on the other hand, not carrying around biases and preconceived notions from old editions either.

    /edit: Made some changes. Now I have 74 points left over, 104 if I ditch the Ruby Ring. Not sure what to do with the points yet.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2024
  2. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    About time we saw some TOW army lists! Without having played it, I can't comment it all seems well built enough. I hear you about the Trog, amazing model, can't wait to hear how it does.

    If it doesn't work out losing the Trog and Krox gets you a old blood on a carno with around 55 points of items
  3. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    Trog I think has the second biggest glow up (behind carno) from 8th.

    With the limit on 1 Slann, arcane vassal is bigger deal now IMO. And a good way to bring in a lustria spell if you want one, and his roar will be a nice boon to core temple guard.

    I will say not a big fan on chameleon skinks. Multi-shots at -1 to hit, even with higher BS, means they will always be outclassed by the equivalent points in skirmishers with javelins... who also have shields!

    Just take a second skirmish block and give them Scouts.
  4. Acehilator

    Acehilator Well-Known Member

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    @Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

    Arcane Vassal is nice for sure, but if you really want to leverage it, you need a Skink Priest on Steg. The Trog is way too squishy to go out on a flank. But it should be good to cast Monsoon, so you can have Apotheosis on the Slann.

    I realized the same about the Chameleons, I'm just going to run another unit of Skirmishers, and get a second magic standard.

    Not sure about the Scout upgrade though. Feels unneccessary?
  5. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    I only mentioned it because the chameleons have it as well. If it was part of your battle plan, then you'd want it on there.

    Good waybto get some early pressure and may help disrupt Wood Elves.

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