This is the progress as well as a more finished version of what I've decided the scheme will be. I've also had this in the works: And of course I finished up the Scar-vet on Aggradon Overall a decent start to 2024, hoping to finish the Stego a Starseer and some more that I haven't received yet before the 15th aka the next game day.
Reinforcements have arrived... Though not the ones I ordered on the 30th of December but anyhow I caved and bought an extra box
Thank you I can't tell you how genuinely pleased I am with how he turned out. For some reason I have come to hate using Retributor armour but I decided to use it this time around and this is the result.
Another 3rd Thursday of the Month has past which another battle for the Seraphon was fought this time one familiar foe()for me) and one very familiar foe for the Seraphon albeit the first time I have played against them myself. The first battle was against someone who was new to the game and at times physically shaking with nerves, fortunately for the young man I am quite familiar with Gloomspite Gitz and we were playing next to someone who was playing with them also. She was a wonderful help This was kind of though for me as usually it's the other people helping me out with rules I forget what didn't help with the situation was my army made up of 5 units(1000 point games), 4 of which were making a debut for me, which where: a Starseer, a Scar-vet on Aggradon, a unit of Aggradon lancers and a Stegadon the only familiar one being my Saurus warriors. So the first game was mainly me focusing on my opponent and forgetting I had a battle round 2 Scry the stars ward save on my lancers who took 12 wounds As for the second game this was against a friend who brought his Clan Pestilence a first for me as I effectively tabled his army whilst loosing the game on points. This was a bloody affair. both sides taking huge casualties but in the end my aggradon lancers who were charged by a Greyseer on screaming bell proved too much to handle but later felled by 10 rats attacking 40 times killing them to the wound. The Stegadon proved to be the most important model taking down a plague priest on plague furnace before rampaging though the 2 units of Plague monks and later shooting the remaining Plague priest. Overall very impressed by the new additions the Stegadon in the second game coming as a surprise. The aggradon lancers were just fantastic not only being able to dish it out but also able to hold their own in a pinch.
The Old World. Finally started on what will be my Wife's army Taking my time and trying to give them a high quality paint job. Let's see how long that lasts. I have the Tomb kings box set coming tomorrow.
No... haha. She tolerates having to play and is willing to learn how to play but that is were the input ends Although given the game systems she's had to learn, that is a fair bit of input for someone who is not really into the hobby. She did decide on the blue pants which originally I thought I wouldn't like but after doing it I have to say I quite like it