slann on a stegadon

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by blazing tegu, Jan 1, 2011.

  1. blazing tegu

    blazing tegu New Member

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    hi all, i'm new to warhammer and this website have; and recently started to build a lizardmen army. i do not own the new codex and neither do i know how to play warhammer.
    intro aside, i will be getting a stegadon soon and was wondering if a slann could sit on the howdah, i read that a famous slann rode a stegadon into battle on wikipeadia and thought that if it is possible it may make an impressive model. i dont have a stegadon or slann so i don't have anything for comparison.
    could anyone tell me if they've tried this or if this is even possible without massive converting?
    also if the slann fits, do you guys think the engine of the gods would fit on the howdah too (behind the slann)

    thanks, matthew
  2. Lazoxoatl

    Lazoxoatl New Member

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    Hi and welcome.

    The Slann you are talking about is Mazdamundi. You should check this topic: Lord Mazdamundi.
    You should be able to find some other pics after short surfing through the forum. "Unfortunately" he is a special character so you won't be allowed to change his equipment. Rulewise other Slanns cannot ride the steggie (but there is always enough room for houserules - but these are just for friendly games, you won't be allowed to use the in tournaments).

    I recommend you to browse the net and try to find at least electronic version of armybook and rules (though the original printed version is usually much better).

    Hope I helped at least a little ;) And again: welcome ;)
  3. blazing tegu

    blazing tegu New Member

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    hi thanks lazo, the model looks great i may try to do something similar seeing as it works so well. i will probably attempt this once my army becomes a proper army and not just a battalion :) .
    do you think that it would be allowed as just a slann with a scenic base or a stegadon with the engine of the gods for games at my local GW as i would like to play warhammer once i learn the rules?

    thanks again for the warm welcome and reply, matthew
  4. Lazoxoatl

    Lazoxoatl New Member

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    Well, we don't have the GW stores in Czech Republic and tournaments and so are held by other boradgame stores and so. For this reason, I really can't tell you, wheter they will allow you to use it in the ways you suggested. I guess the best and most sure way is to ask directly at your GW ;)
  5. giant stegadon

    giant stegadon New Member

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    Hi, glad you picked Lizardmen for your army! I don't play with many strangers, but I think the Slann on a Stegadon could pass for an Engine of the Gods. One issue using it as a Slann with a scenic base is the base size of the steg (its bigger than the normal Slann's), and that the stegadon model sticks out over its base. That could be an issue if you are sticking him with Temple Guard.

    I think most people though would be pretty open to letting you use it one way or another if you just told them before the game. Most players should not really care that much I think.

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