Poll: Which miniature wargaming pill do you choose?

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Mar 9, 2024.


Which pill do you pick?

  1. Blue - free wargaming miniatures for life

  2. Red - god tier miniature/terrain painting skills

  3. Yellow - know all rules/abilities by heart and never forget them

  4. Purple - Henry Cavill flies to your house to play Warhammer with you whenever you want

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    1. No matter which option you choose, you can never make any money from it (no matter how creatively you try to bend the rules). The pill benefits do not extend beyond the hobby realm.
    2. Free models for life includes models/terrain from all manufacturers and in any quantity, but are for personal use only (no selling, gifting, etc.). Models come new in box.
    3. God tier painting skills only applies to the painting of miniatures and terrain. Your ability to paint a painting for instance remains unchanged. As per rule #1, you are barred from selling your work or taking on painting commissions.
    4. Knowing all the rules/abilities applies to any and all wargames you are into. As soon as you are interested in a new game, you instantly learn all the corresponding rules and never forget them (both main rules and army/unit specific rules)

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    My order of preference is as follows:
    1. god tier painting skills
    2. free models for life
    3. know all the rules and never forget them
    4. Henry Cavill flies to your house to play Warhammer whenever you want
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    What an interesting idea for a poll - the Pollbringer has struck gold with this one!

    It's got to be the blue one for me.

    Being of frugal mind it's always a pain when I see something (e.g. a Beastmen Vanguard box) but it's just too much money to spend at once (no thanks whatsoever to GW for their continual price increases :mad:). Taking the blue pill would mean I could pick up anything I fancy for my armies with a clear conscience (except for the concern that getting things free of charge would deprive independent retailers of financial support... but if the rule was that somehow through the pill's powers they'd get magically-conjured money for the things anyway then my mind would be at peace once again).

    As for the other pills, the red one would be second (it would satisfy my perfectionism if I could absolutely nail all my painting, but my practical and non-perfectionistic side is fine with the battle-ready paint jobs I already give to my models). However if the red one had been 'lightning-fast painting skills' instead I would have been a lot more tempted by this one, painting is easily my least favourite side of the hobby and it'd please me immensely to be able to get paint jobs equally as good as my current efforts done a whole lot quicker.

    The purple one would be third - with my gaming circle still being quite limited at the moment an extra opponent would always be welcome, though given Mr. Cavill only seems to play 40K it would do nothing to help increase my Warhammer Fantasy and SPQR gaming groups. Not to mention it'll likely be difficult trying to convince him to choose 5th and 6th over the current inferior versions of the game which seem to be what he's chosen to play.

    The gold/yellow one would be dead last, I am grateful to already have been blessed with a sharp memory and I already know certainly the 5th/6th 40K and 7th/8th Fantasy and SPQR rules off by heart (and it certainly won't be much of an extra step to learn TOW). Though this of course may change as I get older - when I'm triple my current age it's likely this pill will become a lot more appealing!

    @NIGHTBRINGER I'm surprised you've gone for the red pill, your paint jobs are already excellent - indeed very much like me I think you'd benefit a lot more from a 'lightning-fast painting skills' pill instead.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2024
    JTSleep, Imrahil and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Thank you for the kind compliment. Truth is, I'm never truly satisfied with my paint jobs. They're okay, but then you see the flawless work that others can produce and it really puts it into perspective. There are so many techniques that are beyond my skill level and even the one I can employ, I can only do so at a rudimentary level.

    I'm very much a quality over quantity guy, so god tier painting skills appeals much more to me than lightning-fast painting skills. I'd rather paint a single miniature to the highest level possible level than 200 miniatures to a decent standard. Imagine having golden daemon level painting ability!!! It also helps that I have no issue playing with grey minis!
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Interesting poll, indeed

    Red one is tempting, but I'd rather pick the yellow.
    One of my main problems is that during the years I've collected more than 10 armies, each time a new edition comes it's a pain to master it all again and i NEVER recall everything. And not only knowledge is power, but it's frustrating to play making honest mistakes you realize afterward, or to interrupt the flow of the game because you have to check.

    God-tier painting skills is a very close second choice.

    The other two pills fall behind.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    While this was my third choice, it definitely has its advantages. Imagine having perfect memory/recall to the point where you can play all your games without ever having to refer to a rule/army book.
    Killer Angel likes this.
  7. JTSleep

    JTSleep Well-Known Member

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    Yellow for me. :D
    I already have pile of shame that will keep me occupied for next 10 years and it is growing.

    While having god tier painting skill would be great, I know it takes time to paint to display standard and I fully embraced my flaw of not having patience to spend dozens of hours on single model.

    And lastly,Henry Cavill might be great guy, but right now I don't have much time to play even with friends I already have.

    On the other side, knowing all the rules would save me time to reading them, re-reading them again and again and still having to browse through rulebooks every time I play, since I usually forget something in months between games.
  8. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Taking all in consideration I have picked the Blue pill.

    Most times I am not able to pick up all the great models to paint or kitbash with. Sure the pile of shame will keep growing, but it would allow me to work on all the projects that I like.

    The red pill will give me the great painting skills, but it will no doubt cost time to get the models to that level. Time I most often don't have. Also I will still have to buy all of my models.

    The Yellow pill takes a close second place because in the few games that I play I often forget a rule or make a mistake, but it never downs the fun of the game.

    The Purple one seems cool, but as said before Cavill only plays 40K which I don't

    Grrr, !mrahil
  9. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Red. I have enough minis already and don't have a lot of space to store more, so blue is out. Yellow is tempting, but that's what cheat sheets are for. Purple comes in a close second though, but I suspect Cavill would prefer 40K and I like fantasy wargaming more.
  10. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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    Blue pill. Unlimited free mini's would be awesome.

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