TOW What if...?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Mikebiazzo, Mar 11, 2024.

  1. Mikebiazzo

    Mikebiazzo Member

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    Hi folks

    I've created this thread because I'm always thinking about how I would have designed Lizardmen if I've could. So, the idea is to share your proposals about it in two categories: Lore Based (LD) if you feel the unit could be more thematic; and Improvement (I), in case you think the unit isn't well balanced in the meta.

    My suggestions:

    --Lore Based
    .Spawning Sauri: I don't know how to name it in english, but I'm speaking about 6th, when you could chose under which god sauri were born, giving them unique abilities. Expensive, but very customizable.

    .Slann: giving him level 5 of magic would be perfectly thematic and easy to be done. But, I understand a +5 mage casting and dispel plus 5 spells could be... A little too much. So, to represent their, almost, everlasting existence and all the knowledge they've acquired, they should at least being able to know 5 spells.

    .Sauri: give them back the ability to gain attacks when 6 to wound. It was a great and well balanced idea that fits perfectly with his agressive profile and it will also offset the lack of initiative.

    .Salamanders: maybe they could add to the flame distance an artillery dice split in half? Not overpowered, but something that could give them more utility (for example with 6th spell of Elementalism).

    .Razordons: at least they should have 1d3+1 shots, and the ability to repeat that dice roll as a charge reaction.

    What are your thoughts about?
  2. Fxt

    Fxt Member

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    check in "house rules" my version of the pdf. it already have most of what you are suggesting.

    just one thing: "predator" ability was per 6 to hit, not to wound, but it's not really balanced on a 2 attacks core infantry in ToW.

    in my opinion, other things must be revisioned and/or faq'ed:

    - bring back scaly skins as it's ever worked, stackable with armours

    - bastilodon need "firing platform" rule like chariot

    - stegadon need AP on impact hits and a clarification on who can use giant bow and giants blowpipes

    - skink rided monsters need a rule to use mount's WS on defence

    - cold blooded have to word on everything, except break test maybe OR drastic reduction on cold one cost (a bug'un orc boar cost only 20 point, have first charge, counter charge and it's only real malus (impetuous) can be controlled with black orc hero or units when a cold one, who half the game just do nothing, cost almost twice).
    Kalisto likes this.
  3. Mikebiazzo

    Mikebiazzo Member

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    Cool design. I LOVE lustrian poison, great idea!
  4. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Re Slann, get to reroll one casting dice once a turn I think will show his power

    I'd love swiftstride on the Troglodon

    Probably carnosaurs should go up in points, and mounting a chief of a steg
  5. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    I would've included some of the new AoS stuff. Great sculpts

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