My OCD? All memes could be posted here in my humble opinion. The division of memes among various threads doesn't bother me, but nor do I view it as necessary. As long as a post vaguely fits the thread theme, it's cool in my books. So for instance, a dog/cat meme simultaneously fits the humour criteria of this thread and the dog/cat criteria of the Dogs vs. Cats thread. As such, either thread is fair game in my books. In the case of the Warhammer meme thread, it is admittedly more specific, but it also doesn't capture the eyes that this thread does (actually, no thread on the entire forum does!). I feel that the need for categorization is more of your thing, but correct me if you feel that assumption is inaccurate.
Also - this is key - did you notice that the old Victorian era cobblestone road is IN BETTER SHAPE than the asphalt on top of it? Seriously, I get that it isn't as smooth, but they sure held up better...
My dad once explained to me that asphalt and concrete roads are not better than brick roads...they are cheaper. A little bit cheaper in materials cost, but the saving is mostly in terms of labor involved in installation and maintenance.