TOW Optimizing infantry formation/number

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Kalisto, Feb 15, 2024.

  1. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Since TOW heavy infantry got back the 4 model per rank to get the rank bonus, the rank bonus have been reduce to max +2 and over 10 models the enemy cannot negate ranks.

    Considering also that the infantry units have to be wider than longer to be considered in combat order and get the rank bonus which formation do you suggest to use and how many models?

    A 16 models with rank of 4 seem pretty easy and safe. Another alternative would be a 15 models in rank of 5 (but doesn’t seem so effective). Other ideas ?
    how about a 12 models in 3 ranks to just get core points?
    Unfortunately saurus and temple guards cost a LOT so you need to renounce to other things if you want to build big infantries.
  2. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Depends how much you want to game linehammer but I'm thinking 20 models of 5x4
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  3. Kretning
    Jungle Swarm

    Kretning New Member

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    I think a lot of it depends on how you plan to use the unit.

    Are you just taking the 1+ Core Saurus required, just take 10 naked and use them as march blockers/redirectors or even war machine/other non evasive unit hunters.

    Are you looking to maximize your combat effectiveness then it depends slightly on your meta. You would ideally want to be just bigger then your opponent to maximize your attacks, we pay for our two attacks and you only get 1 when supporting so having as many models in base contact is ideal. That is unless you think the unit you are facing is going to dish out more than you per model(not usually the case). That said there is a practical limit to how wide you will want to go. I was running Saurus in Horde formation back in 8th and that usually wasn't too unwieldy but with the bigger base I would say 8 wide is probably about as big as will be comfortable in most cases.

    Or are you looking to try an tarpit your opponent, then run them 4x4+ depending on how long you want to hold the unit.

    All that to say I will probably run my block saurus in 7x3 (21) or 8x3 (24) depending on how many points I am working with.

    Note that if for some reason you really wanted to protect your rank bonus you could just adjust that unit to be only 5 (for 21) or 6 (for 24) wide to get 4 starting ranks when you deploy.

    Final additional note, if you plan to run any cowboys they will add two models each in additional protection for the ranks.
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  4. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Good considerations, yeah I have thought about a non stupid cold one inside the saurus. But idk really. The 360 charge as alone character is quite nice, and he is targetable anyway even if inside the unit.
  5. Kretning
    Jungle Swarm

    Kretning New Member

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    It definitely does impact his charge options.
    However, I don't think he is targetable when in the unit. But maybe I missed that in the rules.
  6. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    It now appears 6 units wide is optimum for Saurus.
  7. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    I also thinks it matters if they are spear or hand weapons. Spears you can afford to go narrow and deep, handweapons you will want to be wider I feel

    I also see wider as offensive and deeper as defensive

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