AoS AoS After Action Reports

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Lord-Marcus, Mar 22, 2024.

  1. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    A records log. For the glory of statistics and eventual bar graphs.

    I attended my first game night with a new age of Sigmar group. They host games at a hobby shop which is roughly an hour away from me one way.

    I haven't played a game since the beginning of third edition, and honestly not even a proper one since second edition. I recently got the FEC army set but it had been sitting unbuilt. I built it in 2 days to get ready for game night.

    I got tabled, but I had much fun. The below, and future After action reports for FEC will be in-character.

    1 loss with Flesh Eaters courts - The Templars of Summercourt.

    Earl Bennard, my Varghulf courtier and general for this match, ate at least six saurus, and shrugged through 6 wounds with healing, before being skewered and left for dead by the scar vet on carnosaur.

    The serfs did what they do best, absorbing enemy charges. One unit, so in awe of Bennard's might, redoubled their efforts and took both small and lager lizards to the earth with them.

    Lord Toromast and his hunting entourage came in. The hunting party was set upon by foul lizard creatures. Even their lord heroically charging into the fray could not stop them from falling. Eventually even his lordship was also brought down.

    jinjerJosh22, Imrahil and - Q - like this.
  2. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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    That's a long trip, but looks like it was worth the effort.

    Glad to hear you had a fun game. The table and army setup looks really nice!

    You work fast and efficiently!
    Lord-Marcus likes this.
  3. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Music, headphones, liquids, sharp knife, clippers and plastic glue. I analyze the kit as I build it the first time, then it's simply referencing part numbers from the instruction manual. Which is why the second set of crypt guard went by quickly while watching TV.
    - Q - and Imrahil like this.
  4. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    In an effort to expand the realm of Ushoran, as well as the fief of Sovereign Markus Stagheart, the Templars of New Summercourt deployed to exterminate a population of green skinned fiends.

    The grandmaster did not take the field, however. Instead, his forces were led by Earl Bennard the Brave on his gallant steed (Varghulf courtier.) Earl Bennard has taken to the Cardinals words of late, and has been spreading religious fervor among the serfs.

    Despite outranking Bennard, Marquis Julius (Gorewarden )and Duke Beorn Broken-blade (GKoRT) merely acquiesced to his battle-plan.

    The Marquis flanked the hapless rogues, his squadron of Pegasus knights close behind. Taking stock , Julius commanded his bannermen to the aid of Beorn, who had charged headlong into more trolls than he had bargained for. Meanwhile, Julius himself had spied a very provocative goblin, and decided to dispatch it.

    Elsewhere, the morbheg knights ran down the enemies opposing cavalry. Just as soon as they had done so were they laid low by foul sorcery.

    In the center, Bennard lived up to his moniker, bravely charging the foe. Though he cleaved an entire group of the fiends, it was not enough. Yet more trolls laid into him, buckling his body and mangling his steed.

    In the end, Julius was forced to call an orderly retreat and quit the field. Too many knights had fallen.

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    Imrahil likes this.
  5. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    As a note of correction. Lord Toromost was renamed Marquis Julius between games 1 and 2. I am in the process of writing a lore primer, which i will upload in the relevant section.
    Imrahil likes this.
  6. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    I bought the FEC endless spells when I arrived at the game store tonight. Is from the box set and is standing in for the full miniature. Which will be built soon.

    This was an excellent 4 hours of gaming.

    - - -

    Record of the Templars of New Summercourt.

    3rd engagement with the enemies of the SummerKing.

    The Templar host came upon the blood queen's viper and her stoic defenders.

    Grandmaster Markus Stagheart once again delegated authority to his Excellency the Earl Bennard the Brave. For the entire battle, Markus observed his lieutenants and the lower ranks from a charnel throne. All while attempting to ward off the enemies foul magic with faith and his blessed blade.

    Bennard provoked the masses ranks of skeletons into a charge, which allowed the serf levies to envelop and tear them apart. He was set upon by the bestial waif that is lauka vai, apparently aiding the Lahmian in her flight back to shyish. After sustaining wounds, Bennard would heroically disengage to beg the beneficence of his leige.

    After receiving some succor, bennard would join the crypt guard at a charge against enemy spearmen.

    Prince Ivanos, astride his arch griffon tore into the enemies left flank, which unfortunately left him surrounded and eventually defeated by a single failed wardsave, on the last combat to resolve. Which would have otherwise resulted in a fully juiced chalice of Ushoran to heal him from 1 wound remaining to a full 16.

    Marquis Julius descended from on high, his pegasi swift, to skewer an enemy necromancer. Which drew the ire of Sekhar, who attempted to strike the preceptor of the inner circle. And failed repeatedly.

    At the end of three turns, we were even on victory points and decided to call it a draw.

    - - -

    Post game notes:

    I need another courtier. I'd like more flexibility for muster guard even though my healing mainly relies on the chalice.

    Which: holy Ushoran that thing is powerful. I wracked up 29 soul tokens in one turn

    I'm definitely starting to get the hang of how to play the army though, and I'm excited about that.

    FEC has a lot of resource management, which can be annoying at times from a perspective of gameplay flow.

    Sekhar is a tiny model compared to what I expected.

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    jinjerJosh22 likes this.
  7. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Game night April 18th 2024

    Only 3 of the group showed, so we ran a 3 player triumph and treachery game of 1k points.

    I was deployed in a corner, and the game basically amounted to myself and our soulblight player facing one half of the ogre maw tribes players army.

    Based on math-hammer when time got short, I would have most likely won via victory points.

    I would normally write fluff , rest assured this will return with future after action reports.

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    Imrahil and jinjerJosh22 like this.

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