TOW 1999 point tournament army list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Kalisto, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    I am going to partecipate to a tournament with following limitation
    1999 points
    Max 4 magic levels
    Heroes only as infantry or cavalry, so no other big mounts (no chariot either).

    Slann is allowed however I thought to try a more crazy list.
    Please come with suggestions especially on magic items for cold ones heroes. I had also thought to play a salamander near saurus but I chooses to remove 1 ripperdactyl and the salamander for one more saurus hero.

    I am also undecided between skavenpelt banner and chotecsbanner for the skink hero.
    Torneo no magic [1999 pts]
    Warhammer: The Old World, Lizardmen

    ++ Characters [937 pts] ++

    Saurus Oldblood [264 pts]
    - Great weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Shield
    - General
    - Cold-One
    - Bedazzling Helm
    - Talisman of Protection
    - Horned One

    Saurus Scar-Veteran [160 pts]
    - Hand weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Shield
    - Cold One
    - Giant Blade
    - Hide Of The Cold Ones

    Saurus Scar-Veteran [164 pts]
    - Great weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Shield
    - Cold One
    - Aura Of Quetzl
    - Horned One

    Saurus Scar-Veteran [158 pts]
    - Hand weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Cold One
    - Horned One
    - Piranha Blade
    - Charmed Shield

    Skink Chief [191 pts]
    - Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted)
    - Light armour (Calloused hide)
    - Shield
    - Battle Standard Bearer [Skavenpelt Banner]
    - Ripperdactyl
    - Glyph Necklace

    ++ Core Units [506 pts] ++

    20 Saurus Warriors [321 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Shields
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Shieldwall
    - Spawn Leader (champion)
    - Standard bearer
    - Musician

    12 Skink Skirmishers [60 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)

    11 Skink Skirmishers [55 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)

    10 Skink Skirmishers [70 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Blowpipes
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)
    - Scouts

    ++ Special Units [301 pts] ++

    Bastiladon [175 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Thunderous bludgeon
    - Solar Engine

    3 Ripperdactyl Riders [126 pts]
    - Cavalry spears
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)
    - Ripperdactyl Champion

    ++ Rare Units [255 pts] ++

    Ancient Stegadon [255 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Great horns
    - Engine of the Gods

    Created with "Old World Builder"

  2. BeardedLizard

    BeardedLizard Member

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    Very different take on Lizardmen. I like it! My favourite part is the Ripperdactyl Frenzy bomb you have there.

    Rules for the tournament are quite rough for Lizardmen because Slann sucks without Arcane Vassal + our monster riders are a big part of making the army work.

    I like most of your characters a lot! Personally I would drop one Saurus for a Skink Priest w/Ruby Ring. Magic defence is a must in my meta.

    I think big blobs of Saurus are more efficient with spears, so that's one thing I would change. Also Ancient Stegadon might be better with just the bow since you really want it smashing things in combat.
    Kalisto likes this.
  3. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Thank for the reply! I don’t like spears and prefer the -1ap of obsidian blades sincerely. Everyone now has at least 5+ or 4+ armour save so it makes the difference!
    Yeah maybe a 2nd level caster could be a good idea, however I am not sure how much it would help against everyone else with a level 4.

    I am undecided about Stegadonbut I think that I still prefer a possible fireball at 360 degree that is pretty sure to be casted (5+ with 2 dices) than a bow that hardly hit 5+ in the best case since you always move.

    The idea to have engine of gods is also to have cover against scouts/ambusher and make the enemy wizard move against Stegadon and not Bastiladon (that is the real damage dealer with the bolt)
  4. Fxt

    Fxt Member

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    Unfortunately frenzy doesn't work on ripper

    rulebook p.170
    A Frenzied model has a +1 modifier to its Attacks characteristic. This modifier does not apply to the model’s mount (in the case of a cavalry model), to the beasts that draw it (in the case of a chariot), or to its rider (in the case of a monster).

    apart from that, I like your list
    discomute and Kalisto like this.
  5. BeardedLizard

    BeardedLizard Member

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    Huh. TIL about Frenzy.

    That sucks. Chotec Banner it is then.
  6. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    What a pity! Ok it becomes chotec then :)
  7. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    I played the list today again dark elves with Beastman on manticore, wizard 4, witch on calderound, witch unit, 2 light cavalry, harpies, karbyss, 2 bolt thrower and 6/7 cold ones med champion with ruby ring.
    It became a major victory for me, unfortunately ripoerdactyl get locked by light cavalry and then charged by cold ones. I killed 2 (inclusive champion with the ring) and flee. All heroes except one where alive at the end (the only one died after he stopped karabyss to go in general. Another ine was alive thanks a 5+ save against a big bolt thrower.

    what I learned, magic wasn’t really a big problem, some skinks dead and some buffs for him but it didn’t changed the game

    the big problem is that 2 heroes in cold one not always are enough in melee and they risk easily to flee due fail break test since they have low unit strengh

    I could even consider a wizard lv2 with cube of darkness. Not sure is need although since tournament have 4 magic levels as limit

    Attached Files:

    discomute likes this.
  8. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    Having a level 2 wouldn't do much against level 4s, but it would allow you to reliably get rid of some vortex or hex spells later.
    discomute and Kalisto like this.
  9. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Great list. Would an extra ripper or two really beef up the damage output?
  10. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    I just discover that i couldn't play it in the tournament due the riperdactyl be a monstrous cavalry, however is a good funny list for the future. Yeah the initial idea was to play 4 ripperdactyls and the hero. But lack of points. The main thing is that 4 is a bit easier than 5 to hide/block line of sight so they avoid to test impetuos. 5 are also really wide so i want to try 4 before.
  11. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    The main problem is that I cannot have both oldlord and caster 2 at 1999. So the option are between Troglodon (dont have the model) or Temple guard champion with wizard hat
  12. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    Honestly I don't rate your scar vet with hide of the cold ones and giant blade. I think he is just a point sink. He looks scary, but you'll find yourself rolling stupid everytime you need him to charge in and swing that giant blade. I think dropping him for a Level 2 with the Cloak of Feathers and earthing rod would do much more for your army.

    Would also free up points for another Ripper.

    I just feel like stupidity on combat characters is to be avoided at all costs. There is no good way to mitigate it and it will cause them to underperform, which you don't want on your beat sticks.
  13. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    I cant have another level 2 caster...limitation are 1999!
    The only good thing with him is that in this way i have 2 knights with 2+ armour save. I may agree that stupidity on 8 isnt the best, but on the other way knights go always in couples (or often at least) so one stupidity on 4 is completely ok. I havent more ward save to give anymore except charmed shield (that isnt the best)
  14. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    Yeah, kept missing that fact and was thinking 2k. Honestly, this tournament is way way over comped. 1999 AND Max 4 Magic AND no monstrous mounts.

    Show me where on the doll the dragon touched the TO

    The TO should just realize he doesn't like Warhammer and play Pike & Shotte or KoW instead.
  15. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Many here don’t agree really since dragon and extreme list have already destroyed the game. I agree with you that is over comped however it’s very interesting to play it anyway using different units :)
  16. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    IMO they haven't destroyed the game

    Saw stats on a recent GT in fact the winner of the event had hippogryphs. Not even using 360 LoS royal pegasus.

    Highest dragon that places was 3rd place I belieb Chaos. Helf didn't even get higher than 8th I believe?

    I think the dragon phenomenon is mostly online or people playing their first 3 games at a local rtt, not knowing how to handle it and assuming the problem lies with the dragon, and not with them.
  17. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Maybe … But I have already seen (and partecipate even 1) 3 tournaments with 30/40 players.
    7/8 players in top 10 have dragon and level 4. Always.

    Those exception are like wood elves with 8-10 magic levels or the vampire count list with 4 banshee shout and 10 magic levels (that I have just posted on other armies here
  18. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    IMO this is where GT stats matter over RTTs. Dragons are really good yes, but one day 3 round events where they can club a few baby seals and rise to the top in different than a 2 day 5-6 round event where they can get stopped.

    But even if they are winning alot, it also matters where the non-winning dragon lists are ending up. If there are as many in the bottom brackets as there are in the top, then clearly it's more player related.

    Additionally if people just are electing not to take them when they have the option to, I think that's on a player as well and not something to be comped. IE, a High Elf or Chaos player without a dragon shouldn't be trying to comp dragons away.
  19. TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi

    TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi Member

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    1) scan standard bearer rly better then skink.
    2) No sense play without Magic def if you can’t play carnosaurus. I think da can be better 1 old blood, 1 scan BSB and 1 Priest with fly item. Maybe can put 1Chief on terradon with ring for fireball or with additional just for hounting war machines.
    3) stegadons with limitations are rly good, maybe 2?
  20. TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi

    TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi Member

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    Lizardmen [1999 pts]
    Warhammer: The Old World, Lizardmen

    ++ Characters [727 pts] ++

    Saurus Oldblood [258 pts]
    - Hand weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - General
    - Cold-One
    - Talisman of Protection
    - Blade Of Revered Tzunki
    - Potion of Foolhardiness

    Saurus Scar-Veteran [221 pts]
    - Halberd
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Battle Standard Bearer [Razor Standard]
    - Cold One
    - Glyph Necklace

    Skink Priest [135 pts]
    - Hand weapon
    - Light armour (Calloused hide)
    - Level 2 Wizard
    - On foot
    - Earthing Rod
    - Cloak Of Feathers
    - Battle Magic

    Skink Chief [113 pts]
    - Additional hand weapon
    - Light armour (Calloused hide)
    - Terradon
    - Ruby Ring of Ruin
    - Charmed Shield

    ++ Core Units [631 pts] ++

    20 Saurus Warriors [321 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Shields
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Shieldwall
    - Spawn Leader (champion)
    - Standard bearer
    - Musician

    3 Jungle Swarms [120 pts]
    - Hand weapons

    12 Skink Skirmishers [70 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)
    - Scouts

    12 Skink Skirmishers [70 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)
    - Scouts

    10 Skink Skirmishers [50 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)

    ++ Special Units [411 pts] ++

    Bastiladon [175 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Thunderous bludgeon
    - Solar Engine

    Bastiladon [175 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Thunderous bludgeon
    - Solar Engine

    5 Chameleon Skinks [61 pts]
    - Blowpipes
    - Hand weapons
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)
    - Patrol Leader (champion)

    ++ Rare Units [230 pts] ++

    Ancient Stegadon [230 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Great horns
    - Giant bow


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