So. i am new to WHFB and of course I have been bitten by the collecting bug. I have been developing an army list and realize that Chameleons WILL be a part of my army. That being said - I havent seen a great deal of painted chameleons and only one conversion. It is obvious thatthe actual chameleon minis are way expensive, so it is my plan to do conversions. I gleaned a great deal from one thread - curling the tails of skinks. I have the following questions: 1. What is that hat like thing on the chameleon mini? Is it a "do-rag"? 2. Has anyone had and idea on how to modify the skink's crest to look more chameleon like? 3. Anyone have pictures of their painted chameleons? Thanks, Kaax Taat
1. It's a chameleon stile crest, as seen here. 2 and 3. Sorry i just added folliage to some regular skinks and called them elite hunters. That should be testament of my lazyness and the likelihood of them being painted
1 - Its a dead frog or frog skin. You can see it well in Fist post here eh!
Those two pic reference are perfect, Thanks. Dead frogs? Do you think it is a "item" representation of the Venom of the fire fly frog? Thanks again, Kaax Taat
Hardly, as camos can't take items and there are no unnamed camo characters, it's just to show how good they make camoflage.
Wich strikes me as weird. They're Chameleons. Their skin changes colour to match their envirnoment. Why put striking coloured frog skins in your head then?! Its like taking a stealth airplane and paint it red. EDIT: Unless it's like you state and it has something to do with them having poisoned darts, maybe embedding the darts in the frog's venom like the dude does in that Apocalypto movie. Still ruins their stealth though...
Well you know in some circles that would make the airplane go faster. Seriously though, I think it is supposed to represent the jungle poisons. I wonder if it would be practical to try painting the frogs with a "washed out" kind of look (say about 50% saturation, in photoshop terms) to represent the fact that their poisons are being drained by the skinks?
The frogs straped all over their body is probaly for dart vennom. and posibly partialy for camoflage...?
how is that camo but do you really need camo for instance i brought charmelions second hand and painted them bright blue green purple and red
The problem with painting your chameleon skinks to their 'true' color; is that you'll never be able to find them... 'Wait, I just deployed my chameleon skinks there....' The Hunted