Played my old pieces in a game this weekend after drafting up a quick low pt army with the new book. Made some major violations, ie had 50% of my army in 2 lords I wasn't even allow to field. So I'm playing again this weekend vs High Elves aiming for a legal 2000 pt army. Questions are marked with (#) and any overall comments would be apprecaited. Slann Mage Priest (Gonna try out life or light like everyone recommends) 2 Disciplines, Unpicked (1) Cupped Hands + Unknown item (2) 15 Temple Guard with Full Command Scar Veteran + Great Weapon + Magic weapon (3) 20 Saurus + Spears with Full Command 10 Skinks Skirmisher 10 Skinks Skirmisher 2 Kroxigor with 4 Skinks in front 2 Salamander 2 Swarms 1 Stegadon with Giant Bow or Blowpipes (4) Last question is what to do with the last ~150 points Hero with the BSB Skink Priest Skink Chief on Steg Thanks all in advance let me know what you think and I'll let you know how it goes monday.
My battle line was going to be horiztonally across Skink Slann Skink Saurus (Swarm Steg Krox) Was thinking if I put the BSB over on the right handside with the steg I get two command bubbles covering most of my whole army
in order to legally field 2 krox they must be accompanied by a minimum of 16 skinks, not 4. or field them on their own. Yours Aye Mixer
Quick update, Going to go with the Blow Pipes, once I found out you still need to hit with the bolt thrower I felt you gonna kill like 1 guy a turn most likely (50% chance to hit 80% chance to wound) The BSB sounds wicked, reroll failed break tests, makes a lizard man army near unbreakable. So I'll put that on the Scarvetern as on the Slann makes it seem overkill. Suggestion on a lizardman banner for the Saurus? leaning towards the -2/-1 to hit with ranged banner.
For point number 1 (the Slann's Disciplines) I'd suggest maybe going with Focus of Mystery and Focused Rumination. Against High Elves your going to need to be as competitive in the Magic Phase as you can be. I've never used this as I'm a new Lizard player but on paper it looks a very good combination. It might be an idea to drop the 2 swarms and bulk up your Temple Guard to 20 models. As it is your only (albeit strong) line holding unit you can't afford to lose your Slann or it's probably game over. I like the 2 Skirmisher units and the Salamander, they will give you a very quick moving firing line. Good luck in your game when it comes around