Blog Jay's Gallery of Random Guff!

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by J.Logan, Jul 29, 2024.

  1. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    I was asked, so I figured I might as well give what was asked for and subject ya'll to my terrible photography skills. Oh, and my terrible models and their terrible painting. Can I manage to throw in the word Terrible and more? Terrible terrible.

    I'll use this thread as a repository for my Monthly Goals. No Redcoat Lizard Conversions will be included in this one. This is pure random guff as I work my way through the grey masses that have built up over the decade.

    If I have any anecdotes to give about a given model... I suppose I'll share.



    My Sci-Fi Conquistador lizardman conversion. So... this is actually the very first conversion project I ever tried my hand at. And for seven years he went unpainted, because I hadn't the confidence to paint him without thinking I'll botch it up. Which... I nearly did regardless. Go figure.

    This project came about when I was chatting with a member of staff at the local GeeDubs, and we got to talking about what hypothetical form a sci-fi version of the Seraphon would take. I had two ideas, to go with the obvious American continent influence. One was to go sci-fi Wild West. The other, was to go really ironic and go sci-fi conquistador, because sure, let's turn the Meso-American influenced fantasy race and make their sci-fi counterparts based on the ones that invaded and colonised the Meso-American territories.

    The Tempest Scions chestplate worked really well for the vibe, so we both decided to convert a lizardman into a sci-fi conquistador. My self-imposed challenge was to specifically use only GeeDubs parts, but I ended up failing that when I used arms from Bolt Action's American infantry. (It was surprisingly hard to find arms that actually held that damn techno-musket properly).



    No real anecdotes for this gal. I saw her on Etsy and she amused me.


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    My "Brotherhood of Nod" infantry. Though really, the only real indicator is the helmet on the first one who I have two pictures of. I grabbed the models at random, didn't realise till I was done that I'd grabbed three of the four helmetless characters. Technically, they aren't actually Nod troops, I was actually trying to recreate the villain army from my original works, which was heavily influenced by the Brotherhood of Nod in their looks. And when I saw the helmets for sale on Shapeways, I felt I had to use them. Used them as an opportunity to test out doing slight red camo (camo is the bane of my existence, because I never feel I've got the balance between too much and too little)

    Also in that last gal, the slight discolouration of her flesh at her jawline is deliberate. She is supposed to have burn scarring. Not sure how well it gets across.

    pyro-dragon, Warden, Imrahil and 2 others like this.
  2. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    No backstory for the next ten, they were models I picked up at random with the intention of using in TTRPG sessions. They mostly come from Malifaux, though I believe one is actually from Wild West Exodus.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Warden, Imrahil, Explodingzeb and 2 others like this.
  3. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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  4. JTSleep

    JTSleep Well-Known Member

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    These look great, man.

    Now shut up about me laughing at your work, grab that brush and start intimidating your pile of shame. :D
    J.Logan likes this.
  5. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Tartarus Terminators are plain, man. Managed these Thousand Sons terminators in a short span of time. Side note... the sergeant's chest doesn't look so bad to the naked eye, the blue I fixed up some gold spillage was still thousand sons blue, the photo just makes it obvious that the metallic effect has been blotted out, and I couldn't fix THAT without basically undoing EVERYTHING.
  6. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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    They look really good. Well done @J.Logan
    J.Logan likes this.
  7. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Nice work on the terminators!
    J.Logan likes this.
  8. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Light infantry, ready for action!


    A plucky young private, fresh out of training and not yet worn down by the realities of the war he foolishly enlisted in.


    Grumpy grandad with a shotgun. Stay off'a his lawn, yippersnapper! - a random RPG mini, came from Malifaux.


    An Oxfordian Mage, using mastery of water to... better knock the block off of some fool? Malifaux figure with the intention of TTRPG usage.


    Another Oxfordian Mage, this one a master of wind, using it to sit on the comfiest seat in existence: the very air. Same as above, intended for a mage character in TTRPG usage. Oh lordy the mold lines on the legs. :eek:


    Another random Malifaux mini with RPG intentions. Devil man with a sawn off and a staff to beat the fear of El Diablo into you!


    A literal exercise in seeing what I could get be picking out things from my (at the time) tiny little bitzbox. What I got was The Punisher with an E-11 blaster rifle in one hand, and a... tesla rifle? in the other. I believe the tesla rifle was a Victoria Miniatures plasma rifle.


    Oh god... I spend far too long arguing with the focus of the camera and this was the best result I got. What if Master Splinter was a bird instead of a rat? I'm sure he has four teenage sons who happen to be ninjas hidden somewhere. What species those sons happen to be is a mystery.


    My arguments with my phone's camera continue. One day... ONE DAY... I will have a better setup for taking pictures of miniatures. I can dream, right?
    Imrahil, JTSleep, - Q - and 1 other person like this.
  9. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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    Lots of great stuff here! :)
    J.Logan likes this.
  10. JTSleep

    JTSleep Well-Known Member

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    That is one great batch of minis! Great work!

    Now, where is that Slann? I demand pictures of marble! :D
    - Q - and J.Logan like this.
  11. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Once I can bare to look at it again without thinking about how everything I pictured in my head refused to translate.

    From the front, you wouldn't see so much of it anyway, I complimented it with jade. Frog boy is sitting on the bulk of white, and blocking three other bulk of white :p

    Also it occurred to me I should use some ardcoat to give that marble a shine.
    - Q - and JTSleep like this.
  12. JTSleep

    JTSleep Well-Known Member

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    I can relate. :D
    I painted carnosaur some time ago and wanted oldblood saddle to be white marble as well.
    Imrahil, - Q - and J.Logan like this.
  13. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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    I second that motion! :)
  14. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    A fellow lizards-with-guns enjoyer
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  15. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Haha. I enjoy subverting the norms, within reason. :p Once I have the bulk of my unpainted masses forced into colour-vision, I plan to get back to my planned conversion project, which is turning lizardmen into British redcoats, complete with skinks armed with muskets. Artwork of the faction I intend to have in model form can be found HERE, and there is also the fiction that the art is depicting in the Fluff and Fiction section, if you enjoy reading long and still in progress stories :p.
  16. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    I think I saw some of this when I went sniffing arounf AO3 for lore last night.
  17. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Quite likely, the actual story is further along on AO3 (and a couple of other places), as I'm taking the opportunity to go through and make any edits and catch those spelling and grammar issues that evaded notice beforehand as I post the chapters here on Lustria (also prevented twenty plus odd posts in a single moment. XD
  18. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Cripes, I finished my monthly goal far quicker than anticipated. Good thing I do have options... And if what I am expecting comes to pass this weekend... *Grin*

    Anyway, this month's random guff, not even mid-way through the month:


    Perry Brothers' War of the Roses footknights. They are being used for my Old World Empire army as proxy halberds. Why these as harberdiers? Because when I first bought the box and assembled the first dozen, I was going by fluff that I read which said that halberds were only behind greatswords in terms of their eliteness. Imagine my face when I read the book after the Old World released and found that halberds were literally basic State Troops. Should have done more looking into the actual stats then going by propaganda. Ah well. At least they'll be visually distinct as my halberd infantry.
    Also not the best of the lot, but these mark numbers 15 through 20, they are going at the back of the formation. I'm not prettying up the ones who will be barely visible.

    Baby Yoda ain't no baby no more. Grogu has taken after his daddy, and donned the beskar, while also embracing his Jedi heritage. This is the way.


    Miniature for an old RPG campaign. Funnily enough, the character started life as a sci-fi tengu version of Madame Medusa from Disney's The Rescuers. Was supposed to be a low level antagonist for the first couple of sessions. Except the party rigged a trap, had her daughter hand her the prize she so sought, except in the box was not the macguffin that the plot of the campaign was going to be based on, but instead a grenade that blew her arm off. She survived... and that's how the party had an angry sci-fi tengu cyborg with a vendetta against them.


    Gad-nabbit the lighting was against me with this one.
    Two random characters from the same RPG campaign. If you've ever seen the old (90's) show Spellbinder, that is what these two alien antagonists are based upon. They wear "power armour" which allows the wearer to generate electro-static energy by running their bracers together, and then they can manipulate that energy. Very tesla-punk. Alas, the campaign petered out before the planet that these two would be encountered on was even reached, through real life being a pain.
    You can tell when these two were assembled, aside from the heads, they're made using Anvil bits. And this was before Anvil had any female specific parts, so I had to improvise.


    Nothing much to say on this one. Mostly used this as a chance to experiment with painting yellow, something I've had negative experiences with in the past. Will get use in an RPG as a generic grunt for an alien government. Very simple, but when I look at it, I can't see much that makes me think I need to add on it. Maybe for his comrades I can change the visor from red to something that stands out better, but otherwise... *shrug*
    Haven't given the base any treatment, as I'm waiting on some desert basing options from Geek Gaming, and as I've already used this chap for one experiment, I might as well use him for another.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2024
  19. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Hark, a new challenger does approach!


    YES! The Legion of Madrigal shall take to the table! My redcoats shall be looking dapper as they battle! Now to commence with some small clean-up and putting colour to these fashionable lizards.

    Not included in the images... I have about NINETY of these guys. That's three full units of thirty in AoS. I think I'mma be busy for the rest of the year...
  20. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    My command staff of Standard Bearer, Drummer Boi and Sergeant in fashionable tricorn hat.

    I swear, every picture I take, I remember why I was reluctant to get into taking pictures. I feel like I'm insulting somebody by uploading images at this quality. :oops:

    Also, yes... clear bases. I don't know what started it, but any minis with the full intention of actually playing Warhammer with, I use clear acrylic bases.

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