Our 40th short story contest, July-August 2024. Theme is Hope and/or Despair. The Rules -We would like you to try to keep your story between 500 and 2000 words. I am requiring that entries do not exceed 2400 words. This is counting title, poems, quotes, any add-ons. If I get a submission that exceeds 2400 words, I will trim it till it meets the limit, and you may not like what words I choose to cut. Even prepositions are not safe... -Your name must appear nowhere with the story. There is no point in having an anonymous competition based on skill if we know whose entry is whose. -You must send your story via private message to Scalenex before midnight O' one (12:01 AM, US Central time) on August 15th 2024 -The story must be new. No dragging up a story you wrote months or years ago. -No plagiarism. This means no stealing a story verbatim. You are free to use characters or settings from other works including other writer's fluff pieces and past short story contest entries. -The story must involve Lizardmen (or Seraphon or Salamanders or Saurian Ancients or Rangos), at least a little. -The story must stick roughly within the theme, at least a little. -No comics or illustrations. This is a short story contest. Visuals are limited to fonts and text colors. -Only one entry allowed per person. Once again, the winner of this contest has the honor of choosing the next contest theme if they so choose. If you want to talk about the theme or your eagerness to write or read something. Please do so below!
Thank you, for setting this up (considering your IRL issues) Time to ponder on new writing material Grrr, !mrahil
I have no muse, and I must amuse. *Troll face* *Ponder pose activate* Hmm... I wonder if I could come up with a short story for the theme. It nothing else, it'll be a good exercise for me, whether I deem it worthy of submitting or not...
Ah, with migraines and other issues, I won't be making the deadline either, unless I pull off a miracle. So, you are not alone. Not that I won't try to pull off that miracle.
I am extending the deadline two weeks to the end of August 14, beginning of August 15th. At the very least, this will let me complete a submission (probably). Hopefully this will help others enter submissions too.
You, sir, are a gentlelizard and blessed by an Old One. Now watch as I still fail to meet the extended deadline.
Just reading this now, thanks. I was working on a story during my vacation, but this will give some air. Grrr, !mrahil
Now there are two? Two what? Two people struggling to meet the deadline? Two people have submitted stories? Tell me? This mystery is confounding my poor underdeveloped mind! AAAARGH! the tension is killing me! TELL MEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee *Tires screech as the men with spare fashionable jackets with extra long sleeves drive off with an extra passenger*
Does this mean that the short story champion of champions and GOAT is on the cusp of putting forth his entry?