I am trying something right now using 5 scar vets with LA and shield and the lore of beasts. It can make these guys really make havok. With Pan's Pelt and the Horros my Scar Vets will be S8 T8 with 7 attacks each. Also, the unit that get's Wyssan's will be S9 and T9. Also, Wyssan's is just money on Saurus. S5 T5 saurus are going to make people cry.
yup, that combo is sweet monies and lovin' when it goes off. I had one of these bombs go off against some Iron-Breakers, the Scar-Vets themselves accounted for half the unit in a single turn of fighting and the Saurus managed to kill another five. so that was a total of seven Iron Breakers left in the unit. The Dwarf Lord got munched in a challenge.
lol you should make the entire first rank of one of your Saurus units Scar vets, I mean you are allready runing 5 of them, that way you don't need to cast as many buff spels.
Unless I made it 8 wide, some of the scar vets would be screwed also, the part about the not having to cast so many spells is what is throwing me?
That unit would need to skip the command unit but you realy wouldnt need it anyway . What he means with not having to cast so many spells is that you dont need to get the bouble (the higher cast-value version) off since you only need the spell on one unit where you have consentrated all of your heroes.
hmmm... I forgot that the command had to be in the first row... oh well well this unit will probaly wipe out other units in the first round anyway.
Yeah, right now I am running TG flanked by Spears and HW&S. I have 2 in my TG 2 in my HW&S and one in my spears.
I have been looking for a way to run a really beefy Cold One Cav unit, and this just gave me an idea. Run a unit of 15 Cold One Cav, 5 wide front rank is 3 Scar Vets Mounted, Musician and a Standard Bearer. Correct me if I am wrong but not only are the Saurus affected by the spells but the unit mounts are affected as well.
plus, according to the Lores attribute the spells are easier to cast by 1 on Cavalry, Monstrous Beasts, Monstrous Infantry and Monsters so you'd have a better (very slightly) chance to more spells off.
You can still have the scar vets all in the same unit, Vets are V, Command is C, Saurus are S vcccv svvvs sssss Then when you go into combat all the Vets can make way vvvvv scccs sssss Characters can displace models with make way. You also still get the bonus from the standard and musician even if they are not in the same rank. As soon as combat is over or as soon as they are able (meaning a vet dies) the command must move into the front rank. In this way you can have all your characters in one unit attacking when in combat.
Dont use to many SV in one unit pit of shades will f*** your unit up otherwise and then its GG. Also your giving your slann beast's right because Im not sure if im missreading it but i thought you were saying your sarus were using beast of lores XD