Hello all - new to forums and returning to Lizardmen So I was thinking of doing a new paint scheme based of the DC comics villain Doomsday who killed Superman. He is very bulky with greyish hide many boney growths and red eyes. I think this could make a bold paint scheme esp for my new temple guard. Their skins would be grey with bone highlights and green shields - what do you all think? Painting suggesting would be greatly apperiacted! I am thinking of a light to mid tone grey over whit primer with a wash and then lots of bone all over with red eyes - but I am open to suggestions
My saurus is somewhat simmilar to what youve been explaining, i have been trying many schemes one of was a sarus undercoated grey washed with the black wash (i think its badab black) his shield is black and grey also, and watered down red in the cracks to make it look like its still hot (ember) his eyes are red, amd the metal on him is boltgun metal and shining gold. He looks quite amazing, I'm planning on making a army based around him wich was a city that was burnt to the ground and plundered, although through the ash of the city by a miracle a spawning occoured (black/grey lizardmen) Anyway, my stegadons, teradons, carnosaurs and coldones are going to be bright colours to keep the army a bit brighter since they are creatures of the jungle who asist the slann mages bidding.
try not to use pure grey since it tends to look like unpainted sprue, instead tint it with a little bit of blue or medium brown.
Ill try tomorow I cant find my camera at the moment and my phone one is so bad you cant even tell the colour it is
cameras broken atm, Ive tried everything but cant get a good photo hopefully i can post some pics in the next couple of days
Sorry for triple post >_< anyway i fianly got my camera working http://lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=6040 you can see my lizardmen there. Thanks
If you are refering to the saurus I watered down some blazing orange and then went over it with a watered down ink red (not avalible anymore but the red wash should be fine) then i dryburshed from almost black to al ight codex grey on the sheild, this was quite awhilw ago all the other models i painted this week other than the sauri, I would do more but my orange and greys have dried out.
Im not that much of a pro painter so no i dont water them down unless im trying to fill in games EG the blazing orange in the sarus sheild, although if my paints dry or get a bit cloggy i water them down slightly, it takes alot more skill to paint with watered down paints and I dont have that skill.
It honestly requires more patience than skill to use watered down paints, since you usually need an extra layer to get proper coverage. Don't water it down to the consistency of ink or wash, thats way too much and would be very hard to use, but it is worth putting a little bit of water in, especially with the paints that are fairly thick in the pot. Plus it will last a bit longer on your tray before drying up. nightmareious, I would say your painting is quite good. The only model that looks lik it could have benefited from a thinner coat is the stegadon, he still looks great but appears to have thick paint.
The grey scheme is great any colour you do for weapons or jewellry sticks out like the preverbial.... redeyefrog