hi all im new to lizardmen and have been brainstorming some possible colour schemes. 1. the purple scheme from here http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/purple-lizardmen.5911/ 2. the same technique but with green 3. a codex grey base coat with a wash of green to give a deseised look to the model. any ideas or advice on the ones im looking at please post. thanks
http://web.archive.org/web/20060113...r/lizardmen/painting/paint_system/default.htm go nutz and do whatever makes you happy. I cant decide either though LOL!
im thinking on goin with a theme based on a storey from the armybook, im goin to have an army themes on the city of quetsa the defiled city
maybe he meaned; if u use javelins, or any poisoned attack, u dont need to roll to wound if u scored a natural to hit- roll of 6. however, this doesn´t mean that u have inflicted a woumd, armoursaves is allowed... sry for bad eng...