Companion to The Outland Legion. A repository of art based on the story and the characters therein. As a rule: Artwork is by the wonderful Inukuroo. If anybody else does artwork, make no mistake, I shall credit it. (I'm not an artist, but I still hate it when the artists go uncredited. Fight for their right to be recognised!) Anyway... first piece. ...Major Boney slid his sabre from its scabbard, held it up in silent salute. This was the moment that he accepted his position, accepted his role as a leader of the Legion. This might be a battle that he wouldn’t walk away from, the numbers below were vast, but he saw his duty. He breathed in, held the breath, exhaled. And then, with all the acceptance of what he was committing himself to, he pointed his sabre down the hill at the forces of Chaos. He was Major Boney of Outland Legion. But more than that, he was a Child of the Gods and a warrior spawned of Madrigal; he would not be found wanting. ‘Fire.’ As one, all eight of the artillery guns fired. Chapter 20 - Siege of Bealivun – When The Crack Forms...
What is a saurus oldblood without his pretty carnosaur? Gila is but an oversized scale-puppy where Ingwel is concerned. Unseen: a nearby collection of saurus and skinks really don't want Gila to notice them, because they don't get happy puppy Gila, they get scaly Rottweiler that doesn't understand that even the bravest of saurus is going to be nervous at a carnosaur leaping at them.
Mort, the Eternity Warden of Madrigal, has witnessed empires rise and crumble over countless years. As a steadfast guardian in the Eternity Chamber beside Lord Annat'corri, he has carried the weight of ages with pride. Yet, in the heat of battle, his ancient heart ignites with fierce anticipation. As a saurus, born of the Old Ones’ will, combat courses through his veins. He relishes these moments, embodying the warrior caste's purpose with ruthless satisfaction, knowing this was where his true skill shines brightest.
Sharpe’tus was well-practiced with his musket, more so than anyone else in the Legion. He had perfected the art of the handgun, mastered it. Confident in his ability, he boasted he could hit a target at 350 yards nine times out of ten. Someday, he might just test that claim. Yet, as Happy loved to tease, Sharpe’s confidence didn’t stop him from cheating—climbing trees and getting up close to make his shots easier while staying unseen. They were skirmishers, and fighting fair was for the saurus.
As time passed, Boney grew more comfortable in his role, emerging as a bold and confident leader. Yet, each glance at his reflection shattered that illusion, revealing a timid skink who felt as if he had never left Madrigal.
I say go for it. I think Inukuroo is a great artist, and deserves more exposure. Very friendly, and will send you the WIPs at various stages of the commission to get things as you want them: pose, sketch and colour.
Spent my commission budget this month already XD I'll probably do next month though. I need to design those characters first
“A sliver of excitement traced its way along Soulshriver’s spine. A fight, a proper test of his martial prowess the likes he hadn’t had since before his tenure as a guest of the Serpent. That excitement was quickly suppressed. No need to get himself killed by letting his emotions interfere. At five paces from the reptile, Soulshriver moved, naginata swinging low, but angled to rise as it arced around. The reptile took a step back, avoided the keen-edged blade, then hopped forward, its greatsword swinging down and right. Soulshriver adjusted his weapon, let the blade connect with his polearm’s shaft, then pushed his weapon away from his body while angling it such that the lower end of the shaft would slam into the reptile’s ankles. He hadn't anticipated the reptile stepping forward, twisting its body to seemingly dance around the sweeping blow. The next instant, the reptile's shoulder slammed into him, a powerful impact that caught him off guard. Controlled the stumble from the blow, drove the shaft of his naginata into the ground, then used it as an anchor with which to swing his body around whilst crouching low, avoiding the swing of the greatsword that he had sensed more than actually perceived, felt the large blade only barely avoid shaving any of his chonmage. Quickly straightened himself, was already bringing the naginata’s blade up.” Battle on the Mud - Hour One
Before any smart-alec mentions the lack of a bone-crown... Solin has been specifically described as being part of a saurus sub-type that lacks the crown typical of saurus... which was a result of integrating my earliest conversion attempts and my give-up-and-use-Hero-Forge to depict the character. Funnily enough, I then learnt that the fifth edition saurus (1996 if memory serves) weren't gifted with those bone crowns and were more lizard than dinosaur, unlike modern saurus, so it turned out I unintentionally revived an obsolete model range as a part of my army's canon. Sometimes life just slides the pieces together.
Maybe I could just be extriemly petty and complain about how human-like the body structure is compared to GW saurus models Its some great art though and the colour scheme on the lizard is great
You'd have to pass that pettiness on to my redcoat minis... and even the Greco-Roman styled saurus guardian conversions. Clearly a consequence of dressing like the warmbloods and conforming to their standards of civility is that you get terrible postures. That straight back just isn't good for a lizard's spine long term