7th Ed. Hello

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Sepulcher, May 9, 2008.

  1. Sepulcher
    Jungle Swarm

    Sepulcher New Member

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    Hello everyone, I was browsing the internet and came upon this forum. I'm interested in possibly starting a Lizardmen force but just wanted to ask a few questions and see if this was the army for me. I played Empire in 6th edition, and Tomb Kings now. Tomb Kings, while reliable, are pretty frail with low toughness and low armor saves. The Lizards appealed to me, because they look tough. Toughness 4 with a 4+/3+ save on basic troopers is neat. Also, from what I hear Lizards are reliable, not as reliable as Undead, but they stick when you need them too.

    Now, I have been poking around through other army books as well, and while you guys aren't the only ones with Toughness 4, it seems you guys have that AND high damage potential. I was interested in Orcs, but my interest quickly faded as the more I read, the less they seemed like a competitive tourney army. I'm not saying they CAN'T, I'm saying it's tougher to win with Orcs than with Lizard (at least that's my interpretations).

    I'd like to hear from you Lizard players. Is it worth it to jump on board with the cold blooded ones, or should I keep looking. I really like the fact you guys are versatile AND tough.. and the GW site goes on to say Lizards have no real weakness other than choosing the wrong types of troops for your strategies.

    Orcs get alot of bodies on the field, but they're poor on leadership and staying power. They have interesting units but animosity wreaks havoc with the army.
    Chaos just doesn't interest me as 1. they're lists are a bit messy with the new Daemons coming out. And 2. I don't think they have the all around versatility Lizards have.

    Any comments are welcome, I'm trying to learn as much as I can about this army, but am also open to other armies. How are Lizards competively? Are they FUN? Are they point and click / boring? I want to hear it all, good and bad.

    Anyways thanks for reading and for any comments that might be posted.
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Hi and welcome to the forums :)

    I think the lizards are a great army, let's look at our two most popular lord choices. One is a fat frog who is the best wizard in the game and the other rides a T-rex, you can't get much cooler than that!

    Also, we have a great rule in cold blood which effectively gives us the best ld for basic troops in the game (even out trumping dwarfs) and our standard troops boast 2 s4 attacks each! We have one of the hardest hitting flying units in the game, as well as s7 ogre units and a steg to boot.

    You won't regret choosing the lizards, and I'm sure a lot of people will agree with me :)
  3. Sepulcher
    Jungle Swarm

    Sepulcher New Member

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    Thanks Stonehambey. My interest in Lizardmen came out of nowhere and now I can't seem to let the idea go (I've had quite a few "interests" that end up in wasted money and models). I've ordered an army book online (go Ebay and 5$ army books :p ). And I'm considering the battalion box soon.

    Any other comments are welcomed!
  4. Origin

    Origin New Member

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    Once you enter the jungles of the Lizardmen there's no going back...

    As Stonehambey said, awesome lord choices with versatile magic items. All hail the fat floating frog!

    Some of the best core troops in the game, Saurus, Skinks!! and Temple Guard

    Giant Dinosaurs to ride around on, flying lizards, crocodiles the size of orges with spiked clubs, Gators that spit flamable venom...

    All this and more, with great plastic kits. Awesome vibrant colour schemes and a truly rich and alien background to drive your forces.

    Welcome to the jungle.
  5. Sepulcher
    Jungle Swarm

    Sepulcher New Member

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    Hehe thanks for the welcome. I'm excited, my TKs are pretty competitive but you almost HAVE to resort to sitting back and playing a shooty list - not my style.

    Any ideas what changes are in store for the new edition Lizardmen?
  6. Origin

    Origin New Member

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    Not a clue sorry, not even sure how far off the new edition is. Not really keen for one either, i like my lizards just they way they are.
  7. Sepulcher
    Jungle Swarm

    Sepulcher New Member

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    I understand, seems like GW is going nuts with this army book revamps. Looks like they have tourneys more in mind than friendly balance games.
  8. Origin

    Origin New Member

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    got to keep things fresh...

    poor old chaos dwarfs

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