8th Ed. VS dwarf infantry list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Haemoglobin, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    So Ive got a battle (3k) coming up on sunday. I was thinking of using an OB on a carnosaur, because from ive noticed that Slanns really cant get spells off reliably against dwarves.

    Do you guys have any tips in using a carnosaur against dwarves? I ve got the feeling hes going to aim all of his cannons at it the first turn so yeah. Maybe i should take a Slann in TG anyways, and try to get a nasty spell like PoS off asap. Its not very fun though D:

    Any stegadon I take will be blown to bits in the first 2 turns aswell, unless i manage to hide it somewhere

    He also has the bait of getting a big unit of Ironbreakers, with the rune of challenging? (something like that) which forces me to charge him, or flee. And right next to that unit he has a block of Dwarfs with GW so anything charging the Ironbreakers is going to be ground down by a flak charge of the GWs. No chance in hell of wiping out the big Ironbreakers unit aswell.

    So yea, tips much appreciated xD
  2. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Well when you put it like that it sounds a bit dire.
    One thing to consider is that artilery can't shoot everything at once.
    If you field a carnoursar and a steg and blocks of infantry hes can't only destroy some of it.
    If you drop the monsters your blocks are going to feel the wrath.

    As for the other stuff I'll leave that to a more experienced player. There is at least one ex dwarf player here.
  3. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    Well I got myself a list with 3 Saurus blocks, 4 x 8 Chameleon skinks and 2 x 4 Terradon Riders. I'm hoping those would be able to take out at least a cannon or a grudgethrower.

    I'll put the complete list at the army list section
  4. Wildboar

    Wildboar New Member

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    Former Dwarf player here!

    Yeah the Master Rune of Challenge (MRoc) can be a tricky one to deal with sometimes but there are a few measures you can use to counter this ploy;

    Firstly the MRoC has a range of 20". The rules for the MRoC state that the unit has to be able to charge the and be able to reach the unit. Against your Saurus/Temple Guard this means he can only declare to use it once you are within 16" (Your maximum charge range) If he does it at this range you will probably fail the charge anyways. Your speed is your strength here, and by taking advantage of this means you can attempt to disrupt his battleline for longer instead of making any needless charges.

    Depending on the type of player he is you could throw him an expendable unit to tempt him to use it (the MRoC is a one use only rune) say 10 Skink Cohorts or the like. Once it is used you can approach his battleline and make charges on your terms.

    If he is unlikely to fall for this tactic you can always approach his line with a couple of flanking cohorts to block any flank charges. Although these might not last long against Dwarves in combat it can allow you to postition your own units to flank his units before they hit your Saurus/Temple Guard.

    At 3k points I would definately run a Slann and I would strongly consider running Lore of Shadow, every spell in that lore can be really effective against Dwarves. Using a couple of supporting Skink Priests to try to suck some dispel dice from his pool before going for Okkam's or a Pit (both of which will hammer the bearded ones) Shadow also has a very strong signature spell vs Dwarves. Even with a Runelord in his force he still only has +2 to his dispel attempts due to the Dwarven trait (unless he pays 100pts for the Vayala Rune on his BSB), it is the dice you just need to get rid of. Your Slann should definately take Rumination to suck even more dice from his pool and probably Mystery to give you the edge you need. Whilst I agree they are tougher to cast against than most, you should still take full advantage of the fact that the Slann will probably get more spells through than most other casters would manage.

    With regard to his war machines your list certainly has enough chameleons and terradons to take care of most. Do not let the machines alter your plans or your way of thinking or you will hand the initiative to your opponent. As your characters have to be deployed last, maybe offer up something juicy like a baby steg to attempt to influence the deployment of his war machines then deploy your Carnosaur in any weak spots that appear. At 3k points the baby steg will not be a huge loss and if it helps your lord get to his stumpy guys in one piece then it is a price worth paying.

    I hope some of this has helped a little and if I can come up with any more info or ideas to help then i'll re-post for you.

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