TOW 1000 vs Skaven

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by discomute, Oct 11, 2024 at 2:17 PM.

  1. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Aeontezin's Questers (HO) [998 pts]
    Warhammer: The Old World, Lizardmen

    ++ Characters [344 pts] ++

    Aeontezin [233 pts]
    - Hand weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - General
    - Cold-One
    - Horned One
    - Bedazzling Helm
    - Charmed Shield

    Skink Chief [111 pts]
    - Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted)
    - Light armour (Calloused hide)
    - Shield
    - Battle Standard Bearer
    - Ripperdactyl

    ++ Core Units [334 pts] ++

    18 Saurus Warriors [284 pts]
    - Thrusting spears
    - Shields
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Spawn Leader (champion)
    - Standard bearer

    10 Skink Skirmishers [50 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)

    ++ Special Units [120 pts] ++

    3 Ripperdactyl Riders [120 pts]
    - Cavalry spears
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)

    ++ Rare Units [200 pts] ++

    Troglodon [200 pts]
    - Venomous talons
    - Venom spray
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Skink Oracle with Hand weapon

    Created with "Old World Builder"

    Skaven [999 pts]
    Warhammer: The Old World, Skaven

    ++ Characters [150 pts] ++

    Skaven Chieftain [76 pts]
    - Halberd
    - Heavy armour
    - Battle Standard Bearer

    Warlock Engineer [74 pts]
    - Hand weapon
    - Warplock musket
    - Warpstone Tokens (D3)
    - General
    - Storm Daemon
    - Battle Magic

    ++ Core Units [262 pts] ++

    30 Clanrats [262 pts]
    - Hand weapon
    - Thrusting spear
    - Light armour
    - Shield
    - Clawleader (champion)
    - Standard bearer
    - Musician
    - 1x Weapon Team [Hand weapons + Ratling Gun + Light armour]

    ++ Special Units [377 pts] ++

    3 Rat Ogres [186 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Heavy armour (mutated hides)
    - 1x Packmaster (Things-catcher - 1 per 2 Rat Ogres)
    - Master Moulder (Upgrade for one Packmaster) [Death Globe]

    3 Rat Ogres [191 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Heavy armour (mutated hides)
    - 1x Packmaster (Whip - 1 per 2 Rat Ogres)
    - 1x Packmaster (Things-catcher - 1 per 2 Rat Ogres)
    - Master Moulder (Upgrade for one Packmaster) [Death Globe]

    ++ Rare Units [210 pts] ++

    Hell Pit Abomination [210 pts]
    - Warpstone claws

    Created with "Old World Builder"


    So another Friday night quick game and another 1000 point skirmish. It's a flank attack!

    Turn 1 - both of us

    I'm not certain how deployment went. I want my skinks to harrass the hellpit abomination. This is largely because I don't understand how they work. Their random movement means I can't get outside their vision arc. My rippers are to go straight up and hit their rat ogres. The trog and old blood will take down the rat ogres and move into the middle to their clan rats. Hopefully the Saurus can hold the hellpit.

    I move up and so does he. Not a lot happens in shooting.

    Turn 2 - me

    He cleverly positioned his rat ogres so my rippers couldn't see them. They fail their impetuous and are forced to charge the hellpit abomination. Damn! I don't roll well and only do one wound. He does 3 back and with a leadership of 6 we straight up flee even with our bsb. He pursues right into the very edge of the Saurus.

    The Troglodon and the old blood make short work of the rat ogres, but the rolls aren't with me and the trog takes 2 wounds and the old blood takes 1. Rat ogres break and unfortunately the Trog won't restrain and they're both out of position.

    The skinks kill the Gatling gun.

    Turn 2 - him


    His rat ogres charge the skinks and we do one wound but otherwise they get obliterated.

    The hellpit abomination... It is absolutely unstoppable against infantry. It's flesh attack kills 7 Saurus and that's only marginally above the average. Stomp finishes a few more. They break but the hellpit can't catch them. Though it catches the rippers so that's the end of them.

    The old blood takes another wound from the musket.

    Turn 3 - me

    The Saurus rally which is nice. The trog moves into position to take on the clanrats. The old blood is on one wound having sustained continuous shooting. But I need to win so I boldly charge the rat ogres. The rolls go my way and the old blood wins without taking a wound back (he's on 1!), the ogres break and he chases them down. The game is certainly with him but that gives me a chance.

    Turn 4 - him

    The hellpits finish the Saurus off. His clanrats move closer to the Trog (3 wounds). The old blood is on one wound. Things aren't looking good.

    Turn - 5 me

    The old blood and troglodon charge the clan rats. The clan rats fail their terror. The old blood catches them. Wow. Things are suddenly much more even, but I can't see how I can take the abomination down.

    Rest of the game

    I consider running the old blood away from everything. I think if I split the old blood and troglodon up he can't kill both and I'll likely get a draw out of it. (If he kills neither I'll get a win but that is unlikely.) But aiming for a draw by running for two turns doesn't seem right for a casual Friday game so I decide take take them on.

    The trog can't use his breath weapon effectively to hurt the warlock.

    Unfortunately he manages to sneak another wound through with magic on the old blood so - that is basically the game then. We proceed with a combat anyway (in retrospect I should have ran with the Trog for a turn and taken the draw haha) and the Trog does surprisingly well against the hellpit doing a wound and taking 2, loses by 1 and is left on a wound. A bad leadership and is fleeing when the game ends. It's close but a win to him.

    What did I learn?
    Saurus were absolutely the wrong unit to put in front of the abomination. It will kill minimum of 6 a turn. Impetuous finally bit me in the butt too. And I didn't use the skinks well. Overall I feel the lists were very balanced but it's hard in TOW to come.up with an answer for a behemoth that isn't a bigger behemoth.

    Crap!!!!! The Trog had stubborn!
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2024 at 1:11 AM
    Imrahil likes this.

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