Greetings, I have a 3v3 1500pts match coming up this weekend and I'd like to run a hero on a cold one. I recently picked up the AoS Aggradon model and have him assembled and primed. What's the ideal loadout for an Oldblood or Scar vet on a raptor? This is my list at present. [1417 pts] Warhammer: The Old World, Lizardmen ++ Characters [528 pts] ++ Slann Mage-Priest [370 pts] - Hand weapon - General - Battle Standard Bearer - Lore Familiar - Ruby Ring of Ruin - Battle Magic Saurus Oldblood [158 pts] - Hand weapon - Heavy armour (Scaly skin) - Cold One - Horned One ++ Core Units [382 pts] ++ 12 Saurus Warriors [182 pts] - Hand weapons - Shields - Heavy armour (Scaly skin) - Spawn Leader (champion) - Standard bearer 10 Skink Skirmishers [50 pts] - Hand weapons - Javelins - Shields - Light armour (Calloused hides) 10 Skink Skirmishers [50 pts] - Hand weapons - Javelins - Shields - Light armour (Calloused hides) 10 Skink Skirmishers [50 pts] - Hand weapons - Javelins - Shields - Light armour (Calloused hides) 10 Skink Skirmishers [50 pts] - Hand weapons - Javelins - Shields - Light armour (Calloused hides) ++ Special Units [497 pts] ++ Bastiladon [175 pts] - Hand weapons - Javelins - Thunderous bludgeon - Solar Engine Bastiladon [175 pts] - Hand weapons - Javelins - Thunderous bludgeon - Solar Engine 3 Kroxigors [147 pts] - Great weapons - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
I have been running the horned one a lot lately! My meta is very infantry heavy and my carnosaur is a bit too good. I honestly think it just has to be an old blood because 2 wounds is just too small for me. I like the bedazzling helm as the main magic item, it's hard to hide them from missile fire (remember no -1 from skirmish) so a 2+ save is nice. At 1500 points I'll usually give the talisman of protection as well. The obsidian blade is good enough for me as a weapon.
One other trick I've been experimenting with is taking a great weapon. Unlike magic weapons you have the option of using it. But it hasn't been working for me. You're already st5 so anything with a decent toughness (5/6) you often want your initiative bonus. If you're striking last anyway, you have so few wounds that you probably don't want to give up the AC bonus by dropping your shield.
Thank you for the ideas. I did some shuffling of points around. I'm going to run an OldBlood with the Bedazzled Helm and Biting Blade w/ Horned one.
I prefer oldblood with glyph necklace horned one and executioner axe. Arrows have S3 mostly, some fire S4 is present but not too much. And they have to hit you first and then wound. However magic can be a big problem and often it has higher S (mostly 4) but even S1 hits and no armour save and so on. This reason I like MR2. Then it depends how you want to use it. The axe is good both against cavalry as well as big ogres
I like the logic, especially after last game I struggled to deal with magic peppering my horned one. However I don't see value in the Axe. The only things with multiple wounds that troubles my carnosaurs are monsters and behemoths.
Thank! But yes you have to make 6s.. Another thing i have a 360 degree charging character is really good against ogres and he make also magic attacks that isn't to understimate. Either i like the idea to switch great weapon with hand weapon and still giving -1 AP. But I use that tactic if i play a hero with the cold one hides (and stupid). It's a cheap but stupid model and can work with a slann and Ld9
Thank you all for the info, my match went pretty good yesterday. My teammates (Orcs and Wood Elves) took some heavy loses but Lizardmen stood strong in the end. My Oldblood did great work ripping into knight units and chased down a fleeing Bretonnia lord. The Bedazzled helm/Biting Blade is a great combo. Everything in my list did its job but I was a little disappointed in my two Solar engines, I think I had a 50% cast rate of getting the Beam off between two Bastiladon.
IMO the Ruby Ring of Ruin is far less important than defensive gear on your saurus character. RRoR can be dispelled. A shield and 5+ ward can't be. They are always there earning their points. IMO Even BSB on the Slann is less important since you have cold blooded.
Funny I've realised that a scar vet on a horned one is 120 points and an old blood with a bedazzling helm that I love is 230 (or 260 with a ToP) can't help but think two scar vets surely better for one old blood, tough as he is
Depends on your use. If the old blood is hunting other heroes, that WS 6 will have you hitting WS 5 heroes on 3s and making them roll uphill.
Yeah for WS 5 heroes. Not uphill. But not all heroes WS 5. 8x4+ if both are in the same combat. But only 4 if you get 1 in at a time.
Seriously WHO has WS5 heroes that you have problem against? I can reply … no one… the only good thing is against some monsters/cavalry that have WS5.
No one? Pretty sure I have seen a bunch of them on tables myself WS 5 Heroes Lizard Scar Vets (seen) Dwarf Shieldbearers (seen) Dwarf Runesmith (seen) General of the Empire (seen) Captain of the Empire (seen) Empire Chapter Master Lector of Sigmar (seen) High Priest of Ulric (seen) Treeman Ancients Hight Elf Sundragon (seen) Orc Bigboss Goblin Warboss (seen) Night Goblin Warboss (seen) Chaos Aspiring Champion Chaos Sorceror Lord (seen) Beastman Wargor (seen) Great Bray-Shaman (seen) Minotaur Gorebull Centigor Warhoof Tomb Prince (seen) Herald of Nurgle VC Wight King Ogre Bruiser (seen) Ogre Hunters (seen) Chaos Dwarf Sorceror Prophet (seen) Chaos Dwarf Infernal Seneschal Bull Centaur Taur'ruk (seen) Hobgoblin Khan Dark Elf Manticore Skaven Chieftain Clan Pestilens Plague Priest Then the many WS5 Champions for various units that you may also end up in a duel with across the game.
A lot of heroes have WS5 but I am not sure your cold one scarvet should chase and fight them. It depends how you play it. That is was I mean.