I'm hoping to use the Battle Magic: Arcane Urgency to allow a "Stupid" Cold one to move out of the road after failing their stupid test. Does this work? Similar, If they're Frenzied and fail their charge, or just fail it in general would Arcane Urgency work then? T.I.A.
Hey mate, if the cold one becomes stupid using Arcane Urgency would just let them move another 7 inches in a straight line unfortunately Good question, I couldn’t find anything in black and white that states you can’t use it to charge again but the wording of the failed charge rules say “The warriors in the unit simply lose impetus.” which could be taken as even if they can move again they don’t want to fight anymore - bit of a tricky one Maybe someone else has a more definitive answer or just ask your opponent on their thoughts and play off of that
"If the target friendly unit is not fleeing and has already moved during this Movement phase, it may immediately move again." I'd say both instances you can move. Charging is in the Movement Phase. Stupid means you can only move directly forward.
Declaring charges is before the movement phase (or the start of it) I think you can move again in a straight like because you're stupid this turn