Poll: Who is your favourite Chaos god? ***UPDATED***

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Oct 14, 2024.


Who is your favourite Chaos god?

  1. Khorne

  2. Tzeentch

  3. Nurgle

  4. Slaanesh

  5. Horned Rat

  6. Hashut

  7. Malal

  8. Necoho

  9. Zuvassin

Results are only viewable after voting.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    So is he a god of division, mistrust and conflict? Does this apply only to the other Chaos gods or to mortals alike? What does he offer to his mortal followers?

    In what publications is he done well? I can't recall ever reading anything about him outside of internet forums.
  2. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    The comics that he was originally featured in, and the reason he is in copywrite limbo. My understanding, though it is likely flawed, is that GeeDubs hired comic book writers on a freelance basis, but the contract didn't specify that any characters and entities that these writers created were to be owned by GW. Cue issues.

    God it's been a while since I read those comics, so take that with a sliver of caution, my memory might be making him more impressive than he actually was.

    I don't recall if Malal himself is deemed copyright limbo (or his name), but enough of the characters and concepts around him got the axe because GW would essentially have to restart everything. And they more or less threw everything out the pram in a tantrum. His rebranding as "Malice" is to my recollection a recent thing, and outside of the few fanworks that care to try and play him seriously, seems to be limited to 40k now. Be'lakor has basically become GW's replacement in the Fantasy and AoS side of things.

    (Yes, I feature Malice in my own work, I actually prefer that name, but that's subjective)

    Alas, if you are the type to read fanworks, my experience has been that Malal is written as comically inept most of the time. People have taken the whole "cursed to fail at the finish line" and ramped it up to Thanquol levels of failure. The only thing he's missing is Brian Blessed as an excuse for his plans going wrong. :p

    That's an interesting way of looking at Malal. It applies to everyone. While Malal and his followers focus first and foremost on the other Chaos powers, it does NOT make them an ally of the southern realms, it just means that the men of the Empire aren't in their way at that moment.

    As for what he offers... pass. Like I said, been a long while since I found and read the scans of those comics, and I'm not going to pretend to remember what canonical gifts he gives his champions.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Roughly how many of these comics were created? How involved and deep is the story?

    I guess I'm trying to figure out how someone might succumb to Malal and follow him as their god..
    • If someone seeks martial prowess and military conquest... they are likely to fall to worship Khorne
    • If someone seeks political manipulation or magical ability... they are likely to fall to worship Tzeentch
    • If someone seeks immortality... they are likely to fall to worship Nurgle
    • If someone gives in to temptation, lust and adoration... they are likely to fall to worship Slaanesh

    So following that logic, would someone who wishes the destruction of the followers of the other gods likely fall to worship Malal? If that is the case, what would happen to Malal if they were successful in destroying the other Chaos Gods? His reason for being would be gone. The reason why people would worship him would be gone.
    J.Logan likes this.
  4. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    My memory... I don't think they managed to get a lot of them out. Maybe three or four. And a quick googling of the dating... late 80s. So liekly not that deep, but metal as fekk.

    Also I believe Malal was mentioned in an issue of White Dwarf back in the day. His champion definitely was, complete with stats and a miniature to use in gameplay.


    If I am recalling correctly, a lot of the people that go to Malal are those that got burnt in some way by one of the other gods, and turned to Malal out of desire for revenge over the gods for being the colossal ass-hats that they are. And nothing saying that a champion of Malal won't forcefully... volunteer... some people whether they wanted it or not.

    I also have a recollection of a scene of Malal actively torturing the greater daemons of the main four. Scenes like having the eyes of Lords of Change plucked out. But I can't remember where I read that scene, so that might have been a fan work getting mixed into my brain. I've had that happen before.

    End of the day, for me personally, considering he's been a non-entity since the late-80's, early 90's (aside from the aforementioned 40k rebrand), I like the premise, and I like the potential that Malal represented. But Be'lakor and even the AoS-era Great Horned Rat have slipped into the niches that he could fill. Even in WFB, the minor gods Zuvassin and Necoho took the position as Chaos deities/entities that are self destructive.

    Necoho was a bit of a laugh: The Chaos God of Anti-Religion... Mind, I only know about him in the most abstract sense of having read an article that mentioned he was in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay... 1st Ed? Something Rotten in Kislev was a 1st ed adventure, right?

    Thus one of the paradoxes of a God dedicated to the removal of his rivals. Chaos at its most inherently self-destructive.

    *shrug* That's all I have. Anything further from me about Malal will almost certainly be fanon.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    It was an interesting discussion!

    Nice to learn about the inspiration/precursor to Be'lakor. He's definitely a chaotic character.
    J.Logan likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    In a similar vein, another reason to like Slaanesh (and dislike Khorne)...


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    @Y'ttar Scaletail @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl @J.Logan @ASSASSIN_NR_1 @Khanadir

    Based on @Y'ttar Scaletail 's post I've added two minor Chaos gods, Necoho and Zuvassin, to the list of options in the poll. I've also allowed voters to change their vote, so if either of these two Chaos gods are your favourite, update your vote accordingly!

    I considered adding Stromfels to the list as well, but I couldn't find a strong enough reference indicating that he was actually a Chaos God. The best I could find was a source that stated that there are few that consider him to be an aspect of Khorne, but they are very limited in number. If anyone has some source indicating otherwise (since my knowledge of Stromfels extraordinarily limited), provide me a link and I can add him to the poll. As for the Grey Clad Stranger, I found even less information on him. Is he the Horned rat?

    Currently all the Chaos gods listed in the poll can be found
    here: https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Chaos_Gods
  8. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    My vote remains unchanged. As much as I have to laugh at the idea of Necoho the Chaos God of Rejecting Religion. Truly a chaotic parody at its finest.

    Assuming I'm thinking of the right one (he's the one from the Doom of Kavzar, yes-yes?), the only theory I ever recall reading was that he was an aspect of the Horned Rat, under a guise to set in motion the events that brought his skaven to the world. But the key word there is "theory".
  9. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    I'm not that interested in the Chaos armies/factions. But I like the look of the Tzeentch models the most. I guess The Horned Rat is Chaos god-adjacent, so he'd be next; GW has made some really cool looking Horned Rat and Skaven models. Then Khorne. Then Slaanesh. Then Nurgle.
  10. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Wait. I need to bump in Hashut ahead both Slaanesh and Nurgle. Again, mostly because I like the look of the classic Chaos Dwarf models. I really like the big hats, the tusk-like teeth, and the bull centaurs.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Tzeentch is certainly winning the popular vote!

    That would be just like a sneaky Skaven deity.
  12. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Funnily (?), i'm not interested in armies tied to a chaos god, but i like Chaos nonetheless.
    My 40k main chaos army is led by Fabius Bile, the man serves no chaos entity, he uses the power of chaos but he acts only for himself, and thanks to his ability he is one of the very few indipendent beings in the warp.

    ...we could almost say that Bile doesn't serve, Bile rules (himself). ;)
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  13. Y'ttar Scaletail

    Y'ttar Scaletail Well-Known Member

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    Stromfels appears in some of the early WFRP books iirc, his harbinger and cultists also appear in the Gotrek & Felix audiobook story Slayer of the Storm God. Stromfels' worshippers are shown to be mutants with fish related mutations in a manner very similar to the earlier Chaotic cults G&F were slaughtering in Trollslayer, though with a Cthulhu-like emphasis. Stromfels is not outright called a chaos god or entity but is certainly framed as such. I think Stromfels is also mentioned in the Dreadfleet novella where the elf character dismisses him as an 'evil god'. So yeah, Stromfels has some similarities to how Chaos Gods/entities and their cults act but as far as I know does not ever canonically receive the title of being a 'Chaos God'. There might be some clues in one of the older Daemons of Chaos army books on one of the lists of daemon lords and entities in the realm, but I don't have any of those. :p

    As for the Grey Clad Stranger. He is the one who appears in the Doom of Kavzar:

    4. It was then the stranger came among them, a hooded man in cloak of grey. A man who claimed great power, who told them he would finish their tower in a single night if they would gram him but a single boon. When asked what this boon was to be, he told them he wished simply to add his own dedication to the gods to the structure of the tower. And, thinking this a small price, the people of the city made bargain with the stranger.

    5. Dusk came. And, as the last redness of the descended sun faded from the sky, the stranger entered the unfinished temple, bading the people of the city to leave him and return at midnight. Darkness fell, and clouds covered the moons, while in their homes the people of the city waited to see if the stranger could complete his task. Until, with midnight approaching, they went once more to the temple square. Went and saw a great wonder. For, up above them, the tower of the temple now stood complete, rising like a great lance stabbing at the heavens, pure and white. And, at the tower's very peak, a great rune-inscribed bell hung gleaming in the moonlight. Rejoicing then that the work of so many generations of their fathers was done, the people of the city turned in search of the stranger, seeking to praise him. But of the stranger there was no sign.

    Note that he is described as a hooded man. To the best of my knowledge, the Horned Rat in all of his manifestations has never taken the form of a human. Whilst perhaps capable of doing so, to my mind is too proud/arrogant to do so. I know the memberbase on the UnderEmpire did discuss a few times if the stranger was the proto-Horned Rat (becoming the full Horned Rat after this act), a human cultist, the actions of one of the other Chaos Gods (Tzeentch or Nurgle seem fitting), or was a separate Chaotic entity that used the creation of the Skaven to fuel its own power along with the creation of the Horned Rat. Some of the forum's fanworks and rpgs have portrayed the Grey Clad Stranger as the latter, another potent entity who created the Skaven and Horned Rat for its own unknown purposes. But yeah, no actual proof that this is actually a Chaos God or entity. :p
    NIGHTBRINGER and J.Logan like this.
  14. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    That is far more detail than the instance of the theory than I read, which was strictly "he is an aspect/avatar of the Horned Rat setting his skaven's origin in motion".

    I kind of like the idea that he was a proto-Horned Rat/human who's scheme transformed him. Would put a new light on the way the Horned Rat is just as likely to kill his skaven as bless them. I'd be pretty salty if my big scheme to become a god resulted in my becoming a giant rat that gets underestimated far too often. And I would imagine that the stranger was not a furry who would appreciate such a transformation.
  15. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    While I recognize this to be a bit of promotion for your new poll and not a legitimate question, I shall answer it anyways...
    • The Chaos gods are more interesting and fleshed out
    • The Chaos gods are more impactful in the current setting
    • When push came to shove (the arrival of the Chaos gods) the Old Ones got stomped (dead or fled)
    • The names of the Chaos gods are easier to pronounce
    • There is no escape from Chaos. It marks us all.


  17. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Well, certainly can't deny that one. I can't even remember the names of but three of them. I can't even remember the name of my original creation without conferring my notes (but that could just be me and my renowned terribleness when it comes to names).

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Slaanesh picks up another vote and (at least for the time being) has a commanding control over second place!



    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    What about a converted Keeper of Secrets?...

    ED4YD17X4AAlb4J.jpg ED4YD2DXoAATbiB.jpg ED4YD15WwAMb5cF.jpg ED4YD18XsAE4gJN.jpg
    Imrahil likes this.
  20. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

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