First painting post! My first Kroxigor in a long time - may do a whole army in these colours, not sure yet. Thought I'd go for a realistic scheme, seeing as how they're probably created from crocodilians. Thoughts?
Nice, I like the colour scheme as I also see the Kroxigors as crocodilians and this fella looks a lot like a Caiman
Very nice! Tell me you used a digital camera to get that picture. The quality is amazing. I can never get mine to that level (usually on my phone, unfortunately).
Wow thats really cool! I toyed with the idea of a crocodile scheme for them, but decided I wouldn't be able to find the correct muted colours. You have done it well, and it looks great on the kroxigor.
Thanks for the comments guys: Arli - Yeah its a digital camera, and it took loads of messing to get those pictures - getting it to focus on the model rather than the wood grain on the table or the wires in the background was a pain! Strewart - It feels stupid for me to be giving advice to you, but for this is basically just Khemri brown with a pretty heavy wash of Devlan Mud (if anyone ever says there's no secret to painting, they're lying - its Devlan Mud!). Highlights were then just mixing Khemri Brown up to pure Bleached Bone (mostly on the belly, the skin is only barely highlighted).
Haha don't think like that mate, I'm just another enthusiastic gamer who happens to post a lot when I should be working. Thanks for the details, devlan mud really is great isn't it. When I was considering doing it, I was thinking slightly less brown with a bit more of a green tinge, the colour is hard to describe which is why I thought it would be hard to paint. Like an Australian Salt Water Croc. The brown and bone looks very natural though, good work again. Are you oging to paint a whole unit like that?
Aren't we all? But yeah, I know what you're saying with the saltwater croc, maybe mixing khemri with gretchin or camo green might work? Gryphonne sepia migh tbe a better wash as well for that colour. As for painting a whole unit, I'm not sure - I wasn't planning on it, but now I've painted this one up I quite want to, so I'll see.
that looks unreal. what colors did you use. also if you want a croc maybe mix in some catachen green in the final layers