TOW Kroxigor tactics/ statergy & understanding

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Awfulcomet, Mar 17, 2024.

  1. Awfulcomet
    Jungle Swarm

    Awfulcomet New Member

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    Is someone able to explain the best use of the kroxigor please...
    I have tried using them several times and never seem to have any luck.
    How many is recommended in a unit also?
    Equally the purpose of the skirmish screen rule, is this just a case of attempting to bait a charge for the skinks to flee, to create a failed charge situation and then kroxigors to follow up with a charge on their turn?
  2. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Well I have always used kroxigor in a line 3/4 models. 6 on 2 ranks cost too much to are worth it. Before we’re really good charging 12” and always attacking first.

    Now with GW rules and charge +1d6 and weaker fear I am not sure they are worth it anymore.
    especially with GW giving only -2 in armour save

    The skirmish screen works exactly how you say, you can protect them from arrows and at the same time potentially charge.
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  3. Seb
    Jungle Swarm

    Seb New Member

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    Kroxigors can declare charge target (and afterwards wade through) the skinks, no?
    This would also force a stand a shoot (if any) against only the skinks (as they can't stand and shoot while in base contact, right?)
  4. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    In practice, it's extremely difficult for this to work. Units don't chill in front of the skink allowing the krox to run through them.

    The way I work it is to run the skinks right up to the cavalry, get right in their face and shoot, then keep the krox around 19-20" away from the cav. Usually the cav decide to charge the skinks expecting a stand and shoot. Then I flee with the skinks. Cav will charge an average of 15" and you only.need to worry about double 6's or double 1's but it will set up the charge for the krox next turn. 4 krox striking first (or same time) should be able to wipe out the heavy cav piece. Counter charge is a pain. Krox can't stand going last and dealing with lances. But this is roughly how I try to use the pair.
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  5. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Counter charge doesn’t work against kroxigor because they are infantry!!! If they use it against you then they cheat or they don’t know the rules ;)

    the mainly problem is that before it was 4/5 wounds (with save at 6+ = dead) now it’s 4/5 wounds often with a save of at least 5+ (and sometimes better but it compensates by armour bane). That 1-2 wounds less make the difference imho
    discomute likes this.

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