Army Fluff Guns of Sotek

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by pyro-dragon, Aug 31, 2024.

  1. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yep, Tau tend to melt quickly if met in combat, however is pretty hard to get close, especially with few cover terrains.
    At 500 pts is hard, you had basiclly 2 tanks and one unit... Tau ccan vaporize the cavalry and you have no more ground control.
    A single tank was all you need, and more bodies.

    That said, 500 is not a great format, 1000 is better for introductive games.
    J.Logan and pyro-dragon like this.
  2. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    To be fair, I have quite a vehicle-heavy army so far. I really like tanks. This was really so we could get some plastic on the table and neither of us had quite enough for a full 1000pt game. I have, however now gained an appreciation of infantry and will be stepping up my conversions to get more ready for battle.
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  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Ah, don't worry, i know perfectly the feeling.
    When i started my guard army (the Tallarn 7th armored division) had 3 baneblades and 4 russes.
    Even now, that i'm fielding also some infantry, they are usually few in numbers and embarked on transports. Vehicles will always be the backbone of my Tallarn, never mass infantry.
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  4. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Damn! And I thought I was greedy for investing in two Baneblades!
    I took also believe in mechanised infantry so once got 4 Chimeras. Though I might need more. When my unit of temple guards finally show up I'll turn them into kaskrins to give myself something punchy at least.
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  5. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Just thought that it would be a cool story to send some of the cast of the Guns of Sotek back in time and space to Lustria.
    Not sure about the reason for it or when in the Lustrian timeline would be more interesting
  6. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    If you want to go for time-loop shenanigans, they appear at the End Times, try to prevent the aforementioned End Times, but it was through their actions that those who would become the Guns end up in the Grim Darkness of the 41st Millennium. A pre-destination paradox can be fun, if done right.
  7. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    No, I don't think I like time loops. That's too Dave-Lister-is-his-own-dad
  8. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    That's a fair opinion.

    Hmm... a time period that might be interesting for sci-fi'd up lizardmen to make an appearance... *ponder pose activate*

    I suppose it depends on how much of the classic Warhammer Fantasy setting you want. In theory, an interesting time period would probably be during the original war against Chaos, far enough back that you can do what you want. Except that then comes with the fact that it is far enough back in time that any of the recognisable aspects of the setting that aren't lizardmen (who'd be in their prime at that time) and High Elves wouldn't be a factor. No Empire, no Nehekhara.

    During the time of Sigmar Heldenhammer? I wouldn't touch that period myself, because I prefer to keep some mystique of historical events that border on myth, but you aren't confined by the rules that I impose upon myself.

    During the years before Nehekhara became the land of the dead? Explore an interesting part of history and get to annoy a pre-Tomb King Setra, who will no doubt declare that he doesn't kneel!

    The Remas Empire.

    Re-reading your initial post, the fact that you specify in Lustria specifically doesn't leave that much room for interesting periods of time. Lustria is fairly isolated from many of the big events and eras of the world. Pick the fall of a Temple-City, that becomes a big event for Lustria. The Vampire Coast's formation maybe.

    I suppose another important question becomes "how much of an influence will they have on history?" Will you have their appearance re-write the history of the setting if they appear far enough back, or are you angling for a "forgotten history" angle?

    Sorry, when presented with a loose idea, this is literally my thought process when thinking about possible ideas from a single prompt. My head is chaotic in the most interesting manner.
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  9. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    I was thinking it would be interesting to contrast the culture and mannerisms of the old Vs new.
    I wasn't looking to change history though it would be interesting if there was so e kind of big event or war where they could meet some heroes from history. Kroq gar even?

    They could take one or more of the Old World survivors to act as guides maybe. Though it could still be a time before they were spawned.

    One of the biggest differences would be having the physical presence of a Slann though. The Slann in GoS are sort of stuck between the Warp and reality so there are a couple of generations who have spawned without knowing the Slann directly.

    Thinking about the time loop stuff again, mybe I was a bit unfair. Terry Pratchette did it well with Night Watch and I don't think I could pull anything off with nearly that level of quality, especially in the format of 2-4k words. Visiting the past of surviving Old World characters would be great to flesh them out a bit. Give them trauma (beyond the trauma of having the entire world ending) or the reasons for why they are like they are. I might chew that one around for a bit and see what happens.

    I still need a mechanism though. Going into the memories of a Slann or even a Temple Ship to unlock something, or just a magical accedent, very much like Night Watch. Or something else I guess.

    Still, I've got like 4 stories on the go currently. I'll have to just leave this as a brainstorm for now.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2024
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  10. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Travel through the Warp is always a fun experience. I'm pretty sure (but can't cite a source) that there were reported instances of ships arriving at their destination before they'd actually left. In the Warp, space is warped and time is malleable. And Tzeentch likes to have fun with those sorts of things; there's a quest battle in Total Warhammer 3 for Kiros Fateweaver where he ends up fighting his past or future self thanks to the Realms of Chaos and Tzeentch.

    Eeeey, I loved that book. Love Discworld in general, but I remember not being able to put that book down. Read it in a single session. Vimes was always one of my favourite of the cast.

    Hmm, for Kroq-gar they could appear during the final days of his Temple-City before it fell. That would be a historic event that even your Old World survivors wouldn't have been around for, it was so long ago.

    And that is perfectly fine. Let the idea simmer before deciding aye or nay on whether to go through with it, and focus on what you already have.
  11. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Any report for the battle vs sisters? :)
  12. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    That is one of the four! I'm about 50% through writing it but I got a lot of stuff going on IRL which is delaying my reptilian indulgences.
    To aid anticipation I will not say which way it went. But I am introducing a new commander character.
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  13. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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  14. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    It's a double art feature as I just finished this sketch of Ka'rah in her full battle setup too
    This also means I gotta design and print a bunch of little radio headsets for them Anyone know where Saurus 'ears' are located?
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  15. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Ok, going by real lizards... I'll attach a picture of my baby girl for reference.


    Do you see that hole? The one sort of between head and neck? That's her ear.

    So if we apply that to saurus... Forgive me, I'm about to use paint to graffiti you're commissioned picture...


    There might be a little wiggle room for the exact placement. The fact that saurus have more jutting "jowls" and the bone crown actually makes it a little awkward to see the placement. Whereas it's a little easier to place on a more traditional lizard-head. I'm not posting it here, but in the latest of the art-pieces of my own army, you can see the ear hole on Solin.

    Now, you can alter the placement as you deem fit, these ones are your lizards afterall. Maybe you would prefer that the earhole be before the jawline. I could see it working if you lifted that red circle I graffitied onto your pic so it is just to the side of that piercing, which would also give off a sense that the hoop is more like an ear piercing than a crown piercing.

    I totally didn't use this as an excuse to post up a picture of my adorable baby girl. Promise! XD
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  16. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    I was mostly trying to figure it out on the model head. Looks like its going to be up to me. I'll try taking some measurements and kludging together a 3D model later for the radio set to see how it might look.

    Funny enough, the artist referred to it as an earring a couple of times :p
    Also the idea came from the 80s earrings

    Never need to excuse this. What a lovely lizard :3
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  17. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    I guess I can start posting stories that mention Xi-Boc now. One of the survivors from The Wold That Was and is now the leading millitary general of The Guns of Sotek. You don't survive 800+ years of combat without being adaptable. While being an Old World Saurus through and through, he knows his way around a bolt gun. And, in the respite years during the building of their new civilization he may have been able to get a hold of a small box of paints and some canvas for use in his private chambers...
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2024
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  18. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    New lizard!
    Ruq-Gar is another reoccurring character in the Guns of Sotek stories. He's in the same squad as Ka'rah and brings so himbo energy to the mix. He loves to get his clawed hands on the big guns and absolutely should not be trusted with the big guns. Everyone say hello to Ruq-Gar.
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  19. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    He looks so happy to get to use that heavy bolter.

    Better hope that the remains of the Forgeworld don't have old movie entertainment archives. I bet he'd love to watch Commando or Rambo and start shouting quotes while hosing down the suppressive firepower.
  20. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Oh yeah, big Rambo energy with him, though he's just as likely to hit is own as well as the enemy. He just wants to hear the dakka dakka. He'll get given a lasgun for real combat. Specially trained Skinks crew the heavy weapons for the most part. He can pull the gun carriage though.

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