Browsing through the 5th edition armies book sort of showed the old unserious jab at humour that used to permeate most of Games Workshops early work. This especially applies to the names of the Lizardmen, who are named through pseudo-aztec conventions often through a common English pun or wordplay. Now, a lot of people at the time liked to point out the silly skinkisms, but no such list or guide exists as a survey of all the silly puns present. Though some are contained in a deep and dark exclusive Brittish vocabulary. The rule of thumb is the following transcription: x=ch, hu=w and so on. So far I can only remember: Tenehuini - Teeny weeny (Later changed to Tehenhauin) But I've heard that most 5th edition special characters had joke names such as: Itzi-bitzi Lotl-botl etc. Yet I have never been informed as to how the above wordplays work. Anyone remember?
I thought I read somewhere that a bunch of the Lizardmen dinosaurs were named after the old Transformer Dinobots.
Its true for Kroq-Gar at least. His mount is called Grymloq, which is a reference to the dinobot called Grimlock.