Hello, I'm new to the forums here but have been in the discord for a while now. I wanted to introduce myself here seeing as this community as a forum has been around for a good minute. I miss these old forum formats soo much (the ridiculous days of flash signature banners). I'm a 34yo dude. playing AOS for a couple of years now. Dinos riding dinos is rad af so I got into them for that. I have a shit ton of hobbies, but painting has always been my favorite- which is what led me to painting miniatures I can play games with. By far doing basing is my favorite thing to do. I'll post some stuff at some point but if you in the discord you've probably seen me spam stuff. I did want to ask the mods here if they would like this website linked on the r/seraphon subreddit. Totally get it if you do not want that but I wanted to ask. Thanks all - hope everyone has a great weekend!
Welcome along! Basing miniatures makes them complete and tie a an army together. Intrigued to see your work. Have fun in our jungle around here Grrr, !mrahil
Henlo! It'd be great to see some of your work for sure! Also I don't see why anyone would object to this place getting a bit more publicity.