Aiming for 1000 28mm figures in 12 months.....Now that's miniature-soldiering... Hail, lizards and friends of old, and welcome to this blog. I'm posting this a few days early from the turn of the year, as is tradition. Any further 2025 painting prep will be posted here, although models finished before end of year will be added to the 2024 thread. As you may well know, I log my painting progress each year and this main post becomes a list of everything I've painted. I assign points values based on size and complexity as a form of inspiration to continue to paint. My goal is normally 365 miniatures or equivalents per year. My initial goal this year is up to 1000 infantry 28mm figures. To stand testament to my progress, my tracker and self imposed rules are below, to be edited as necessary. Wargamers Challenge 2024 = Main scales - 28mm+ = 124 Grand Scales - 10mm = 0 Rules: Main scales are 1/72 and 28mm Smalls encompasses anything smaller than 20mm (1/72) plus starships Standard infantry count as one for painting Cavalry count as two for painting ogre sized models count as two for painting. This includes arguably ogre sized infantry models such as primaris and stormcast. Monsters count as anywhere between 3-10, depending on size (see below) Chariots count as 5 for painting Transports count as 5 Battle Tanks count as 5 Behemoths for AoS start out at 5, more if justified. Fliers/aircraft count as 5-10 depending on size. Larger models determined on a case by case basis RECORD OF MINIATURES PAINTED: Grand Alliance Death: Grand Alliance Destruction: Grand Alliance Order: Grand Alliance Chaos: 40k/grimdark future: 20 spaceNam guardsmen Warhammer, The Old World: Kings of War: 40 peasants, Guild Myrmidian 5 spearmen, Guild Myrmidian 8 foot knights, Guild Myrmidian 2 men-at-arms on foot, Guild Myrmidian 6 converted militia/infantry, Guild Myrmidian Dungeons and Dragons 5 bandits of the Red hand (converted Wargames Atlantic Afghan warriors) 7 zombies 5 revenants/wights/draugr 1 necromancer/ cultist - generic 1 Bothades, arch-cleric of Athenaius. 9 cultists of Athenaius 1 ritual circle kızılgerdan, red hawk of the Desert. Genie. (2) Historical: 5 jaguar warriors, Aztec project All Scales MISC: 1 unarmored 3rd Century Roman Legionary 2 ottoman Noble admirals painted for use in DnD and an article. Foot models, count as 1 each. 1 commission DnD dog fighter 3 trench crusade mechanised infantry 6 trench crusade standard infantry Commission pieces:
First 6 peasant levy from the plastic barons war kit. Nice models. Also: cell phone stands make a good out of the way exacto blade rest.
I primed a whole bunch of models, some of which were for my painting class this Saturday. New Year's painting will commence at midnight as is tradition. Updates shall be posted
Event was good. 4 people painted Romans. I got some good commentary on my entry. I also painted an unarmored legionary.
After a week of not painting, I have finally put brush back to model. I'm going to be working on these between other things today. Expect more updates.