Thanks @JTSleep ! Now that the Tohaa are done I am going to attempt to knock out the handful of Aleph infinity minis I have lying around before the end of the year. Starting with the Deva: Nice enough model, very lightweight metal mini that was difficult to put together. What was fun was using the "pylar glacier" contrast paint for the skin, didn't expect it to turn out so good. Nice ice-blue color turned out to be exactly what I was looking for. Purple contrast isn't really working like it is supposed too anymore . But regardless I am calling this one complete Spoiler: Deva Functionary
Batch of my latest completed Infinity models, all from the Aleph faction. Spoiler HVT cybercriminal/Underworld fixer: Parvati. Mini for this one is not a very good plastic cast from the Aristeia board game. I don't like the mini but it was a good test for the blue skin. And Thrasymedes:
Very happy with these two from Steel Phalanx. Eudoros: Spoiler: Eudoros Pics And Hippolyta, the Amazon (queen?). Originally a Valkyrie mini, did a nice Caribbean skin tone on her. And gave her a resin copy of Eudoros' shield. Spoiler: Hippolyta Great new additions to the Steel Phalanx.
Also have my Ghulam Infantry completed. They are just the basic line infantry from the Haqqislam faction, now I have all there special weapon options painted. Missile Launcher, Sniper, and Heavy Machine Gunner. Here are all the Ghulams together, including the doctor.
you have been busy, my friend. Great work on these models! I love your use of white on these. Grrr, !mrahil
Thanks! I hope everyone had good Thanksgivings. Here are all my completed Aleph minis, finished all the Aleph dudes I own finally this month. And here are my HVTs painted to match the Aleph minis. Very happy with them. Fun fact that background I printed for this pic was supposed to have a lot more blue... but the printer ran out of blue in part of the way through the print
Really great work @Warden . By the way, the printer running out of blue actually makes the background look even better. Very stylistic.
Thanks @- Q - ! Switching gears once again, here is an Iron Father I painted up this week. Very happy with how this guy turned out. I have been kicking around the idea of starting a Horus Heresy force for some time. Favorite legions are the Iron Hands, Night Lords, and the Death Guard. Biggest issue stopping me from starting the Iron Hands was I already have a black space marine chapter (the Deathwatch) for 40K, and I didn't want to do that again. The Sons of Medusa meanwhile are an Iron Hands successor that don't show up for years after the Heresy, and are green (my favorite color ) but I was inspired by a blog I found over on Bolter and Chainsword to go for it and tweak the lore to suite my purposes. Spoiler: be warned, here there be LORE The warband that became known as the "Harbingers of Taelus" were one of the scattered remnant fleets of Iron Hands in the aftermath the Dropsite Massacre. Comprised of veterans of primarily Clan Clotho and a handful of other forces, these legionnaires had been isolated from much of the greater legion prior to the conflict. From Istvaan V they retreated in shock and anger to one of the last locations they had been order to liberate by their now lost gene-sire. For the next decade they wreaked havoc on the traitor forces, particular in fighting the forces of the Mechanicum embroiled in their own civil war. Hidden within their newly reconquered asteroid bases in the Taelus system, the Harbingers planned and carried out harrowing attacks against traitor supply convoys and isolated strongholds in the region of space. Their truly rage reached its zenith upon learning of the outcome of the Siege of Terra and fall of the Emperor himself. Throwing themselves into the scouring, they nearly went extinct due to mounting battlefield losses and would certainly have disbanded as a fighting force were it not for the legion, now chapter council, ordering their return to their homeworld of Medusa to be re-integrated into the new chapter’s ranks. Also the lore for this character: The exploits of the mysterious figure known as Selok Sataar are all but unknown prior to the outbreak of the Horus Heresy. He was speculated to have been Medusan in origin, having joined the ranks of the Iron Hands shortly after the discovery of Ferrus Manus and the Primarch’s restructuring of the Tenth Legion. His actions first begin to enter the Imperial record shortly after the Istvaan Massacre, where it is believed he emerged as a leader of one of the many scattered warbands of Iron Hands that went into hiding deep within the Traitor Lines. Selok Sataar is known to have led the clan through much of the Great Scouring, though it is unclear if he survived through to see the remnants of the clan reintegrated into the reforged Iron Hands chapter upon the Scouring’s completion and the reorganization of the legions during the Second Founding. I have started a new post over on the B&C for what I hope will be a new Heresy project for me. He was fun to throw together, and easy to paint! Heraldry is sculpted-on miliput. He does maintain the traditional Iron Hands chapter symbol on the other shoulder. The two tendrils on his left side are guitar wire! Back view: I hope you like him!
I am a bit late in posting this, but here are all the minis I painted in 2024! 154 total minis, plus I finished all of the Tohaa/Aleph minis I own! I also have nearly all my Haqqislam minis painted between this year and last year (forgot to post last year!) so that was good. Overall lots of Infinity minis, really enjoying them still. Some Haqqislam minis: Aleph: Tohaa, big surprise project for this year. Shouldn't have let myself get distracted to buy more stuff Also a few X-Men/Infinity Nomads, of which I intend to expand in 2025. The local Infinity group in the twin cities is heralding the arrival of N5 with an escalation campaign, and I got a lot of these guys to paint up! Also hoping to finish a few more Turnip28 minis I have hanging around that I didn't quite finish in 2024. Very happy with my progress in 2024. Lots of fun projects. Favorites: - Shakush TAG - Wu Ming/Diggers - Tohaa Kerail Preceptors and the Kaeltar Specialists - the Iron Hands/Sons of Medusa Iron lord I finished recently. Side note, anyone going to Adepticon in 2025? Finally planning to go in March this year.
Finished this guy at the end of last year: Hannibal from Foreign Company, who I will be using in my Druze mercenary company as Arslan. He gives me Blade vibes With his entourage:
Been busy this month and got a few projects near completion, but here are some of my WIP infinity Nomads I am working on: I played the Go-Pod and Go-Bot (the big and small drones) in a recent game, they did really good! The big drone was something I got in my first infinity tournament as a prize (came in last place) and I finally have an excuse to paint it. Here is one of the HVTs who is almost done!
Thanks all! Happily painting x-men (slowly) this month. Took some new pics too! Colossus: Cable: Bishop: Nightcrawler: Robin Hook: Iceman: Rogue: Wolverine: Maverick:
Some new additions- Forge: Moira McTaggert: Mystique: Lastly but most importantly I have painted two Fast Pandas! They operator as deployable repeaters in infinity to extend your hacking network. Named them @Scolenex and Po