Trying to post a replay in the January-February 2025 Short Story thread, and I'm getting THIS as a reaction. So far, it only seems to be happening in this one particular threat, but I'm hardly about to spam every other thread just to see which others if any I'm forbidden from. As you can tell, I clearly have no problem with creating a thread either. ¬_¬
Ok, noticing a pattern: that error appears if I am on a page for a period of time, after which I can't post. I am literally racing an invisible timer to post. And this was across multiple devices and browsers.
No. So far the only thing that has worked had been to leave the page entirely and come back later, and hopefully beat the timer. I'll keep updating as much as I can about anything else I notice about it, or if it stops...
It might help to call on @The Red Devil to see if he will recognize this flaw and is able to help you out. Grrr, !mrahil
I'll give it a little time, a week, see if it sorts itself out or gets fixed up in general site maintenance. Made this thread just to let people know it is a potential issue and to see if anybody else is having the same issue. Though if @The Red Devil reads this decides to look into it beforehand, I certainly won't complain. I just know that the moment I actually nudge staff, the problem actually will fade in it's own. It always happens and makes me look like the boy calling wolf.
Is it tied to how long you visit the page before posting? Or does it also trigger on specific content?
Reasonably sure it's tied in to how long I've been on the page. Just tested it by taking my time making a post on What If - Grail Saurus and the 403 message came up even before I clicked post, letting me know I timed out. Granted, it took something like five minutes for it to come. But I can be very slow writing posts, especially if it is on my phone. Doesn't even save drafts if the 403 comes up. Haven't seen it yet on any posts outside of the Fluff and Stories, but I'll be the first to admit I don't visit other sections as regularly. Edit: And an hour later and on a whole new tab, I still cannot make a post on that page... patterns? What are those! Let's change the rules while I'm not looking... >:-( It is nice having confirmation that being locked out of one thread doesn't lock me out of all though.
Ah, happened to me twice too. I am not sure about the first one, but second one happened after about two minutes on forum, trying to edit post on mobile. First one was on PC.
Yep, I also flagged the issue in the main Server Maintenance thread. Clearly it isn't just posting images in a thread that causes this... and the strangest thing is that it comes and goes... it doesn't seem to have any understandable logic behind it. But, with several of us affected I'm glad at least that it certainly seems to be an issue with the new server rather than just one person's account or IP specifically
Not for a while. But I have been writing my posts as quickly as I can to beat whatever was causing it. I can idle in a page later to test it if it is still happening and let you know.
Update: Yup. Still experiencing it. Just got hit with it when I tried to edit a post I'd made moments before.