I am absolutely awful with progressing on those Ettins, so I took 4 more heroes that doesn´t need putty and started on those. This time there are some colours and not just fifty shades of leather Not much to show as of yet, I only cleaned mold lines, degreased them and primed them black.
Well... so long the wish to finish this boardgame in 2023. I remembered that I have this blog yesterday when I wanted to separate posts about boardgames from my wargaming. Anyways... Stuffed Fables insert is sketched and transfered to PC. It was lovely to measure all components.
First 4 (the easier) boxes are finished. Three more to go. I have those three drawn on material. Unfortunately, I don´t have enough cardstock. Even after using every cutout left, I am missing bottom plate for monster tray. Single part and I now have to wait till tuesday for new cardstock to arrive.
First 5 minis done! I´ve decided to go minimalistic on bases. Bosses and minions will be all basalt grey, with simple edge highlight of sky grey. Heroes will be more colorful to differentiate. Also, I didn´t even noticed it until mid painting, but I painted them "Descent style" with colors as by artwork, but their leader (circle base for all types) in red.
Thank you. Better half found deal on expansion. It should arrive mid february, so I will make another similar soon. Good thing, that I now have supply of cardstock for about 10 more games.
Another two bosses. Skreela and Crepitus. With these two, I am half way there (12 out of 23 painted).
Allright. Heroes are prepared for priming, last enemy group is preshaded and Expansion arrived today. It will be interesting to make insert for it, because there are just few cards, tokens, story book and couple of minis in box of same size as base game. It will not be about fitting all in as much as getting it fixed in place for components not to bounce around.
Hero minis are done. I have great idea about bases, but I need to access my regular paints, which are behind piles and piles of stuff and kiddo is taking a nap. So for now, just progress photo.