First Rumour Engine of the year is posted: Some sort of Icon, on a pole, harness or piece of scenery? Grrr, !mrahil
Yesterday's Rumour Engine: A wing. Not very natural looking, more a decorative style. Maybe a statue or something for Dark Angels? Grrr, !mrahil
Today's Rumour Engine: No guesses of what it is, most likely for the Idoneth Deepkin release in 4th Edition. Grrr, !mrahil
I thought that for a moment as well, but the reveal of the new Seaguard character was last Friday, before the Rumour Engine was posted... that would be a weird strategy. Perhaps there will be more Seaguard releases? could be a possibility Grrr, !mrahil
Yesterday's Rumour Engine: Do you have time to hear about the all powerful Emperor? Maybe some Genestealer scientist, because of the glove. Grrr, !mrahil
I've added the Rumour Engines of the last to weeks: 4 February: This made me think of a tesla-coil gun type of thing... Probably Necromunda stuff. and 11 February: Will it be a deer, a goat or perhaps some new Beastmen unit/hero? Grrr, !mrahil
Intriguing. It will be nice to have all the mainline TOW armies fully released. I wonder what will come after?
This weekend's reveal of the new Kill Team boxset solved some rumours: Solving 14 January: and 4 February: Grrr, !mrahil
Another solution was provided in the article that showed the sprues of the new Noise Marines: A sneaky backpack solving 7 January: Grrr, !mrahil