And I just criticized @Killer Angel for a much smaller typo. I wonder how I can destroy the CCP from within.
There is almost nothing that cannot be communicated with a Palpatine meme. You might say Palpatine memes have unlimited power.
As Google, Youtube, Alexa, Siri and every thing else is listening in, on our daily lives, my wife and I regularly ask each other how we can kill off the CCP. One day their will either be an answer or it will be done for us.
The wolves are upset that the sheep aren't breeding. If A Hand Maid's Tale comes true, it will be from the atheist CCP, not some twisted religious group.
This is a considered a threat to state power. Twenty-somethings biking at night to buy dumplings. No government would be threatened by this if they weren't really insecure in their power.
Even if the CCP got Thanos snapped out of existence, it will be a difficult path to healing for mainland China. Ironically the socialist utopia that is the People's Republic of China has created an extreme version Taiwan doesn't have these problems and is repeatedly show to be altruistic people. They both sprang from the same Chinese culture, so it's not a China thing. It's a Communist thing. The laws in mainland China make it very easy for good Samaritans to be sued by the people they help.