Beginning a new Homebrew faction project, inspired by the Goroan Scion lore recently released. Eventually I'll be making my own custom rules for them, but for now I'm using Mawtribes + Kragnos rulesets A custom desteuction faction with what I'm calling "The Lost Races" (not as the faction name, just in general), basically races which the majority fell to chaos but still have / may have some pockets of resistance. Goroans are my main troops, but I'm also adding in some BoC, and other Ogroid races, and a Dragon Shaggoth which broke from their own curse/pact with Chaos which leads them. It's a faction based on these people's fighting against chaos to free the rest of their kin, in a nutshell. More to come before painting, needs more clean up as well
Thank you! I am working on some lore now, hoping to be able to pick up a Thaumaturage soon. Need some bits from an Ironjawz hero for my kitbash Idea though, so, we'll get there eventually lol
What is a new year without a new homebrew faction Great stuff as always, both kitbash-wise as lore-wise. Looking forward to your progress, and some completed models. Love your work friend Grrr, !mrhail
That's how I feel!! Every year needs a new faction, but more importantly...every year needs a completed project, so I'm working on that this year. Lol. I have two main goals this year, hobbywise: Complete this homebrew army idea, and Complete my Stormcast Skaventide box half. I'd like to finish a few other projects, but these are the two I'm going to be focusing on really finishing. 2025 is going to be a different hobby year, and just year in general for me - I'm feeling a fire i haven't felt in a long time, so here is to hoping it keeps burning. Been enjoying seeing your stuff on IG and the little bit I poked around and saw on here. As you say, Love your work friend! Here is to two great hobby (and regular) years for us, friend!
I hope so! As of now, I have a list of 2000 points (as Ogor Mawtribes) that uses different models. Most I already have (the BoC portion). That said, I'd like to kitbash at least one large monster from a fresh space. I'm kitbashing a lot of stuff, but I'd like to kitbash a monster of some sort specifically. So, in all, I am planning a full "release" per say, and then I'd like to add more unique things after this initial 2k list is made. This was my original list that I made right before beginning the project. It's changed a slight bit (Bullgors are now Gorger Mawpack instead of Yehtis). I think i want to make some sort of Yehti like monster to represent them (some wild monster, not necessarily a Yehti) and then a larger monster version of that, possibly. But obviously not Ogor themed, so probably not a snow themed monster. Army List - Mawtribes Ruleset Enemy: The Celestial Clatter Stormhost Kuugax army will consist of Gorans (Theridons), Beasts of Chaos, and Ogors primarily. Homebrew Model / Mawtribe Equiv Heroes - 1. Kuugax: 130mm Base, Kragnos/M. Gargant (580) 2. Myrmadin: 50mm, Tyrant (180) Infantry - Theridons: 50mm, Maneaters (160) Cavalry - Mournfang Pack with Theridons: 90mm x 52mm, Mournfang Pack (x2, 400) Beast - Bullgor: 50mm, Yehtee (x2, 240) Monster - Thundertusk Giant: 120mm x 92mm, Thundertusk Beastriders (220) War Machine: Cygor: 120mm x 92mm, Ironblaster (220) Faction Terrain: Same as Mawtribes (change eventually)
Hey everyone! Small update here, hope you're all doing well! I've been doing some hobbying, haven't gotten as much done as I'd like, but we'll get there. I've been working mostly on the homebrew project I originally posted about, working on the Goroan Warcaller specifically . I've made really good progress on them, and really could call them done, but there are still parts of the gold that need to be done, and other touch ups. I have the unit leader of the Goroan Veterans primed, but haven't started them yet, I'm excited though! I am hoping to have the whole group finished by the end of march/first week of April (I'll be gone for a week in March in Colorado where I won't be able to paint them). After that we shall see what I decide to paint next! Other than the homebrew project, I got an itch for my Seraphon again. I had been working on a "Ark of Chotec" last year that I slowed down on but picked up again and got it to a good spot. It is crewed by 3 skinks, one which is the controller while the other two hurl javelins. Still working on its lore, but we're getting there. Other thing to decide is keeping it on the bastiladon vs being pulled by a Spawn of Chotec, hmmm. Other Seraphon fun is a new Sacred Spawn idea I've had but finally acted on. I have a lot of spare saurus bodies and some Terradon bodies... this is the byproduct: I don't have a name or any lore for them yet, but I think its a fun idea. I'm making a unit of 5 for my Guard unit. Any ideas or thoughts for a name or lore, let me know! I'm still brainstorming All in all, a lot of fun stuff coming along, just slowly.
Great work mate, I love your creativity! The paint job on the Warcaller is amazing, great color transitions and overall a nice vibe. Grrr, !mrahil
Crested Guard No. 2 Not the best GS work on the shield arm, but it'll do! I think a full unit is going to be awesome, and I have just enough spears
I love this idea so much, it works really good! Crested Guard is a fitting name. A full unit of these will look amazing! Have you got any lore for these guys already? Somehow I thought about wing clipped Terradons, in some form of punishment or a secret taskforce. Just some thoughts Keep up the great work. Grrr, !mrahil