You're welcome mate, lots of great models and an incredible completion rate Love the cultist, popping colours. Keep up the great work. Grrr, !mrahil
So, why no update? Simply put, this weekend was BUSY. Monday is set to also be busy. Excepting a few other things this month though, March is hopefully going to be good for painting progress.
Hey @Imrahil, when you check in to like my latest post, can you post some form of small motivational? "Keep at it man!" Even if it's literally just that quote. I've been slacking hard and spending time playing video games instead of getting things done. Not that video games are bad, but I tend to get sucked in for my entire "entertainment" time block and don't get hobby projects done. Anyone else is welcome to do that too. I appreciate your assistance with helping me move forward in advance.
I will do, man. Glad to help you out. Those jaguar warriors look really nice and colorful. Are these commission work or just your own army? Grrr, !mrahil
those are for my own army. I'm just really slow with the aztec melee units because i dislike painting the shields.
First painting session on the Order of the Greyhound, My custom French take on the New Antioch list for Trench Crusade is complete. Next session will be washes and details. All Wargames Atlantic models and conversions. Also some civilians from the new villagers kit.
Still practicing with freehand, but every project is practice. The order of the Greyhound, or at least The initial warband has been completed.
Still practicing with freehand, but every project is practice. The order of the Greyhound, or at least The initial warband has been completed. View attachment 159425 View attachment 159425 View attachment 159425
Oeh I love this. I like the buff armored leaders(?) and the foot folk matches the vibe real nice. Great work on the banner, the freehand looks good man! Small suggestion for the banner is to bent it in a couple places to make the material look more organic. Keep up the great work Grrr, !mrahil