Hi everyone, I'm currently writing a story (more specifically, an arc for Herald of the Old Ones) in which a force of Druchii pirates and the Lizardmen of north-western Lustria are fighting a series of battles, and while figuring out locations for such battles, I came upon the "Xlaxgor Pools" in a few different maps of the Isthmus of Lustria. I have been unable to find info on this location, be it on the Warhammer wikis or the official books I own copies of, so I was wondering wether anyone has any idea for what they may canonically be, or any headcanons for them. Personally, I'm thinking of making them something based of the fact that the suffix -gor is used (if I can't find official stuff, that is). Maybe I'll make them an old swamp where Lizardmen remeber fighting an odd host of beastmen hundreds of years ago. Or maybe make them an abandonned series of a spaning pools, once used by the Old Ones to spawn the now lost caste of Xlaxgors. Thoughts? Ideas?
I've got some similar sounding or partial words from the lizardmen dictionary. It could lend some ideas Gor Rend/Slash/Strike Tlax City/Temple Xla Law/Thesis/Affirmation Something like a temple of affirmation to attack or strike. Pools in which great warrior heros are baptised. Maybe when gaining the rank of Scar Veteran or Old Blood?