What is the best way to do jungle like bases without painting. I tend to base after painting....one time I based before painting it came out horribly so I'm going back to my old way lol. so what do you all recommend I use to do jungle bases?
It depens on your THEME Swamp - making river/swamp banks with reeds (half submersed lizardmen int the water) Desert - sand and burn bushes (yellow lichen from hobby shops) Temple ruin - slates with pictographs on them over grown vines, werid plants, small lizards on the base Jungle - over grown vines, plants, small lizards on the base. So if i was to do a charaters base I would bulid up the height of the model using two part putty (green stuff) adding slate & bits. Then paint it along with my model, adding the flock & twisted vines last. But everyone is different. See below