working on paint scheme for the escalation league

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by shahryar, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. shahryar

    shahryar Member

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    decided I am going for a gray scheme.

    the skink is fortress the back scales are codex with a wash of badab
    the shield is solar orange a wash of badab and then dry brushed solar orange again.

    my main painting issue is I suck at high lighting

    also I tried to make the obsinite charadon granit then paint the angle of the points adeptus battle gray for a pseudo highlight, learned charadon granite SUUUUUCKS. it went on way to thick and chunk no matter how much I shook it up so osbinite will prolly just be black and battle gray from now on.

    the one issue I have is I cannot decide what to do with the fin it looks to plan. I kindof though about fading it from the fortress gray to solar orange and have it match the shield.

    the saurus will be darker probably codex with the back scales being a slightly darkened gray(adeptus was abit to dark on the test tg)

    Ps: unrelated question, anyone know how to make dinosaur eggs? and maybe a small little dug up nest to put them in? I wanted to have one of my sally's guarding a nest of eggs(2 sallys look the same one looks diff so 2 female one male) originally before the repaint I had one of the sally's guarding a baby sally, it was a lizard from the swarm base that imo looked like a baby sally.
  2. theodmino

    theodmino New Member

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    Very nice skink ya got there, mate.

    I would suggest that you don't paint the fin orange, it will look alot better if you make it a bit darker to match the scales. But thats just my opinion.

    On another note, I love the salamander idea with the guarding parents and the eggs, I got two sallies myself, just might try it out. I think eggs are pretty easy to make just rolling some green stuff into a nice egg form, good luck :D
  3. sevensevensare49

    sevensevensare49 Member

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    i agree, nice looking skink. May i suggest washing the whole model in black? It will bring out some definition and semi-highlight it for you at the same time. I wouldn't worry about painting the fin either, looks fine the way it is. If you don't like it now though then I'd go with something darker, like theodmino said.

    Love the idea of the Sally eggs, you could easily make a "nest" out of grass for them.

  4. shahryar

    shahryar Member

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    I tried for some odd reason it made it very difficult to tell the backscales from the rest of the skin at least imo it did I only tested it on one spot so it was easy to fix but it made the skink to dark I wanted the skinks to look really like.

    though I will probably be doing that for the saurus probably making their back scales shadow grey I tried adeptus battlegrey but it was way to dark
    I am basically going for a rock theme for most of my models.
    not repainting my eotg though it gets to remain dark blue lol
    but most stuff will be grey
  5. Coatl
    Temple Guard

    Coatl New Member

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    the wash will tend to bring everything together color-wise. if you follow up with some highlighting it really makes for a nice cohesive-looking model. on that note, highlighting can be tricky but drybrushing is a fairly easy technique. take any brush (preferably standard size or below for your skinks and saurus), apply a LITTLE paint, wipe the brush around on a papertowel until you only have a small amount of paint coming off the brush, then wipe the brush over the area your trying to drybrush. youll notice the less paint you have on the brush the easier the highlighting is to control but the longer it takes. rinse and repeat. the grey looks good, always like a non-blue paint scheme. for the fin, if you do decide to paint it, id go with a cream for the inside portion (bleached bone or even white would be great) and do solar orange markings. do this before you do any wash so that everything is still tied together. on if the paint is thick, you probably arent thinning it down enough. some pigments are much more prone to that issue. dap a LITTLE water into the paint, it doesnt take much. if its too thin/runny, add more non-thinned paint to it
  6. shahryar

    shahryar Member

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    I'm not sure about teh orange markings?
    got a better way to do them?

    I know alot needs to be fixed on this one using this guy to test doing markings on the sail

    I am kind of thinking about making the sails totally solar orange. or maybe mixing solar orange and codex grey then sortof layering closest to the head is fortress grey then codex then the codex solar mix then the solar.
  7. Coatl
    Temple Guard

    Coatl New Member

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    that might look pretty good. give it a try and see. for the markings, i would say go bigger and fewer in number. im thinking more along the lines of a turtle when it comes to pattern (kinda boxy). the trouble is the markings wont really pop until you highlight them. try doing a larger "splotch" with solar orange, then highlight up to blazing (?) orange. put your solar orange on. then mix 50/50 solar and blazing and apply to the marking (when its dry) using a fine detail brush, making sure to leave the solar showing around the edges. once thats dry, repeat the same thing using just blazing. this should create a smooth color transition from solar to blazing. you can finish it off with 50/50 blazing and skull with just a tiny amount in the middle of the marking. take your time, take deep breaths and if your shaking put the brush down and relax for a second. detailing takes time if you want to do it right. good luck!
  8. shahryar

    shahryar Member

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    I think I fail at blending
  9. Coatl
    Temple Guard

    Coatl New Member

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    gotta mix the colors together over a wider range. start with the grey. then 50/50 grey and solar. then solar. then 50/50 solar and blazing. then just blazing at the edges. don't make the lines straight and the same width. you want more of a random wave look. should look better. keep at it though, your making some headway

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