8th Ed. Little things I think we need in our 8th army book

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by shahryar, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. shahryar

    shahryar Member

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    Slanns to either A) have the old way 6th edition method of choosing spells or B) Loremaster standard

    New Lord choices maybe a Skink Headhunter(sounds bad ass) maybe have him be more like a chameleon skink

    a skink priest lord maybe call him a Shaman of the Old Ones (maybe even giving him the old mark of the old ones rule) yay albino skinks

    A warbeast that actually takes advantage of SwiftStride, maybe an Ankylosaurus or a Protoceratops, essentially prodded battering rams.

    give chameleon skinks ambusher.

    and bring back actual horned one units skinks with bows on light cav

    okay enough dreaming back to painting.
  2. theodmino

    theodmino New Member

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    I like the idea of a skink headhunter, sounds lika an assasin model to me.

    Skinks on light cav sound kinda fun, but in my opinon what we need is more core choices, don't get me wrong saurus and skinks are great, but we need more options.

    Also, either lower the point cost of our named heros or give them some abilities that are actually worth the points we have to pay for them (Krog-Gar!)
  3. Skink Brave Itxy

    Skink Brave Itxy New Member

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    One idle theory by folks at the store out my way is that we'll be getting a new big monster.

    Since that seems to be a theme of both Fantasy and 40K. Big things, like giant spiders for the former, and 'flyers' things for the latter.

    Anyway, the popular theory where I am is that Lizardmen will be getting the Thunder Lizard, which would probably look something like a Brachiasaurus.

    Also, I'd love to see some stuff emphasising how the Slann basically turned Lustria in to a virtual deathworld, the likes of Catachan, or Australia. Maybe a new Lore of Magic, that would be cool. Something primordial and cosmic, that emphasises that they're bringing down the power of the Old Ones on to the field of battle. I'd even use a Discipline slot on it.

    But we don't really need any of that, as it is I find that the Lizardmen have came through the transition to 8th edition pretty well. Slann even got better at magic. When we do get a new Army Book, it's going to be awesome.
  4. shahryar

    shahryar Member

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    hmm lore of the swamp or lore of the jungle.

    maybe sortof like the wood elf lore only dealing more with water.(and all lizies being amphibius)

    oh and maybe this
    Slann auto get lore master and their lore master discipline becomes gain an extra lore that is not effected by lore master.
  5. walach

    walach New Member

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    rather than a new lore, how about a single spell (in addition to normal spells) that has a different effect depending on which terrain piece you cast it on? might get a tad complicated though...

    not sure on the new character ideas... more badass chamo skink would be good, as a hero though.

    another core would definetley be good.

    skink cavalry would be... probably meh? can't see what you'd need them for in our army really. and they'd probably be overpriced.

    wouldn't complain at a new monster, but i think they could probably do with buffing the ones we have a little bit. particularly the carnosaur, don't think i've seen one in 8th.
  6. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    The Thunder Lizard.... Don't think so. These are the things that squish TEMPLE CITIES (well, okay, it was fighting a Giant Squid, but a temple city still got demolished because of one of these). I think they're too massive to become fieldable (unless we want to put 'god mode' on). I think it more likely to just have a new beastie of domination. Or, failing that, a 'baby' Thunder Lizard might happen.
    Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Queensland, thank you. Australia is actually quite nice. Just stay out of the middle and QLD. They're the only places where we have too much trouble (except fires, but still).

    I still liked the joke, you are now sigged :)

    Personally, i'd be happy with just new models (COC!!!!!!!!!!) and a Lore of the Old Ones, maybe a Skink Lord (to make skink armies 'Viable' now [without he Prophet of Sotek]) and that's really about it. Maybe another Rare slot/'fixed' Razordons (really, it feels like we only have 2 rare, and I never take an Ancient in Rare anyways, so it's moe like one).

    That's about it.... Oh, actually, better standards....
  7. morglumnecksnapper
    Jungle Swarm

    morglumnecksnapper New Member

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    Salamanders do get to use Swiftstride. Since the skinks are just an extension to the unit and the units is titled to have swiftstrider.
  8. Skink Brave Itxy

    Skink Brave Itxy New Member

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    I think it would be good to give Skinks the ability to Volley Fire with their javelins.

    As it is right now, I can see little reason to take a large unit skinks as a cohort, without any Kroxigor. They have a hard time fighting Goblins.

    Being able to really hammer a unit with javelins would be a good reason to throw a horde of them at your opponent.
  9. shahryar

    shahryar Member

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    or give them back their shortbows.

    actually I had another funny idea

    a new rule for krox, call it big brother.

    if you have a skink chief or priest in a unit of cohorts with a kroxigor then one kroxigor(maybe more) counts as a mount during a challenge. So basically during a challenge the skink chief would fight with the krox by his side basically lol
  10. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    O.k., for what it's worth, here's what I'd like to see and what would probably be considered reasonable:

    ALL Lizardman units get +1 to initiative when they charge.

    Temple Guard will have 2 handed weapons, strike last.

    Krox should be Toughness 5, or go back to the days when you couldn't hit them back in HtH when they are in the 2nd rank.

    Saurus and/or Temple Guard could get an armor upgrade option. Personally, I'd love that. (But see below for what I think they will lose in exchange)

    Allow Skink Priests to use Lore of Life in addition to Heavens. Heck, let them chose any Lore. Or give them their own Lore of Sotek...just please DO SOMETHING with them!

    Lower the points for Cold One Cavalry; perhaps introduce Skink light cav (like the skink raiders we had in Dogs of War).

    Skink will get their weapons at 1/2 price (like Skaven and Goblins)

    Bring back short bow Skinks, or allow Skink cohorts with javelins to volley fire.

    Improve the rules for the Razordon so it's worth taking (Roll artillery dice for hits perhaps).

    Throw in a skink Lord, just for color.

    Perhaps come up with a good reason to take a Scar Oldblood as General over a Slann?

    You can bet we will see a new HUGE model of some sort (I'd love it if it looked like Godzilla...), just because that seems to be the direction that GW is going in. A Brachiosaur with 3, or even 4D6 Thunderstomp would be perfectly fitting for our army.

    Some buff to Lizard swarms so that they are actually taken...perhaps giving them jungle poisons?

    Now the BAD NEWS, some things I think we are likely to lose or see change to our detriment, if and when we get a new edition:

    Blood Statuette of Spite - gone or costing 50 points, Slaamanders/Razordon no longer moving and shooting in the same turn (or costing more), Slann Ruminations will be nerfed, Terradon rock dropping nerfed (possibly), Saurus are unlikely to continue to have 2 attacks on their profile (sorry!)...but perhaps we will see Saurus with Halberds if the Temple Guard get 2 handed weapons to distinguish them?

    Also, likely some limitation on the number of units of skink skirmishers that you can take - most likely by moving these guys from Core to Special.

    This is my 2 cents, based on my having played Warhammer heavily since 1994 and known a few guys in the studio over the years...
  11. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Um a lot of the nefs you mentioned are alleady nerfed by new 8th edition rules or
    by all the other armies geting a boost, or by the new % system or by hordes

    Jungle swarms allready have poison, "jungle poison" is ranged weapons only.
  12. shahryar

    shahryar Member

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    easy for the saurus thing bring back sacred spawnings.

    in fact I had a crazy idea screw sacred spawnings go sacred hosts! one flat price upgrades all units in models, depending on the god and the model or unit for example

    tzunki will do what he did before +1 initiative and aquatic to anything non aquatic...maybe aquatic things gain +2 init or an extra -1 to hit when in water.

    tepok +1 attack maybe? and this awesome idea I stole from civilization's jaguar warriors.
    Field sacrifices.
    basically if your unit has a champion they can sacrifice any standard bearer that they capture so basically what this would mean is in addition to the points for standards you would get a bonus 25 points(50 for bsb) or some other equiv if that is to much, in addition they now cause fear, or terror in the case of a BSB.
    oh and in scenarios where points are not calculated for standard bearers then they are worth 1 and 5 respectively

    tepok units gain magic resist 1 which would stack(max 3 of course) priests would auto pass any channeling attempt.

    huanchi, units gain swiftstrider

    quetzl, units gain an armor upgrade, no armor gets light armor light armor gains heavy armor
    etc etc

    some of these may be a bit op but you get the idea.

    oh and we have a warbeast for scatter shot we have a warbeast for flame cannon and a warbeast for bol throwers we need either a cannon or rock throwing warbeast lol

    oh and an upgrade to krox, here is my idea for a certain pt per model you can give your krox BS2 and throwing axes so they can stand and shoot with their little brothers
  13. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    oh how about instead of axes they throw rocks,
    (small template ST4)
    throws autiliary distance away...
    Missfire throws a rock straght up.
    (put small template hit center over that Krox)
  14. Skink Brave Itxy

    Skink Brave Itxy New Member

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    The thing is, all Saurus already have the Sacred Spawning of Quetzl, in a way, don't they?

    Last edition their Scaly Skin was 6+, now it's 5+.
  15. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    O.k., you are the second person to point out that jungle poisons aren't the same thing as poisoned attacks, wo now I am pissed off twice in the same day. How aggravating. :shamefullyembarrased:

    Not sure which of the nerfs I proposed are already in the game. Can you be clearer about that?

    Blood Statuette of Spite is only 25 points - I was proposing it cost twice that;
    Slaamanders/Razordon can moving and shoot in the same phase;
    Slann Ruminations have not changed AFAIK;
    Terradon rock dropping not changed AFAIK;
    Saurus still have 2 attacks on their profile;
    Skink Skirmishers are Core, not Special.

    Oh, BTW, does anyone know if it is legal to upgrade a Krox to an Ancient Krox in a SKrox unit? I don't see any rule against it, provided you pay the extra 20 points. Seems o.k. to me.
  16. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Interesting question! Maybe if you do not take a champion in the skink unit? Not sure. Very good question though. I do not think you will benefit from it though. The only difference in an ancient krox is an extra attack, right? Kroxigors get 3 supporting attacks, no more. So, unless you have one in the front rank, it will not matter.
  17. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Ah right, max 3 attacks per model in the 2nd rank for Monsterous Infantry, but do we really could as that when fielding a cohort? That extra Str 6 attack would sure be nice...
  18. mixer86

    mixer86 New Member

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    I'd like to see:

    -A kroxigor hero, that allows you to take a krox unit as core without fielding cohorts as well.
    -Cheaper Named Characters
    -Cheaper Cold One cavalry
    -Obviously we will get one BIG monster, i personally like the idea of the Coatl over the Thunderlizard, though both would be awesome.

    Yours Aye

  19. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Rumination is the 'Free' PD right? Well, we can't use that to go over the 6 dice casting value. Nerf.
    Skirmishers aren't that bad that they need to be put into special. I mean, really? o_O
    And % limitations stops us relentlessly spamming them if we want a decent amount of Saurus anywho.

    No. you can't. Your option is for a Kroxigor, not a Kroxigor that can be upgraded to an Ancient for 20 points. Plain old Kroxigor, this is probably also due to the fact that as Arli said it'd be redundant, except for challenges.

    I'd also love to see spawnings return.
    Nakai the wanderer to be an actual named character would be awesome.
  20. mixer86

    mixer86 New Member

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    [/quote]Rumination is the 'Free' PD right? Well, we can't use that to go over the 6 dice casting value. Nerf.[/quote]

    I was under the impression that we can. a slaan can use no more than 6 dice from the power pool to cast a spell, yes, but the "free" dice he generates isn't from the pool. also i think it says in the LM Book he can exceed this using rumination.

    Yours Aye


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