or for a jungle floor er more specifically I am sort of going for a mountain jungle floor sort of like machu pichu. on bigger bases it will be used sparingly with other things but on my main infantry bases like my basic skink and saurus it will probably be used exclusively(especially skinks they are already undercoated)
doh sorry forgot to picture them oh also has anyone used these are they any good? also sadly I dont have a pic but has anyone tried Army painter brand jungle tuft or swamp tuft etc? I really sucka t basing, though these might be good inspiration
lol I also bought this silly rock making kit by sceneorama at michaels so I can make some rocks out of plaster using molds
When I need rocks I just go out to my driveway and pick some up off the ground. Usually a pretty good selection and the price cannot be beaten. I admit they don't look as authentic as the ones you buy though
I vote for the lighter flock. Looks more jungly than the darker one. The darker one reminds me of something you would find deep inside a thick forest and not in a jungle.
For leaf litter I use rooibos tea have a look Redeyefrog