8th Ed. Krox and Skinks

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by SanDiegoSurrealist, Mar 2, 2011.

  1. Viarca

    Viarca New Member

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    Those restrictions look like a perfect storm for a WoC army to thrive.
  2. Coatl
    Temple Guard

    Coatl New Member

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    and there in lies the problem with restrictions and banning, imo. by banning those overpowered spells that you so love to hate, how pray tell do you stop a horde of chaos trolls with 4 warshrines in support? :smug: no matter what you do to try and balance a rule set, there will always be gaps in the system. thats the funny thing about pendulums, they always swing when you push them. enough on that though. long live skrox! may you always laugh in the face of the dreaded 13th :D
  3. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    I think that may be the best idea, or this could go on for ages.... But it'd be fun ;)
    Yaaaay, maybe I can stop vsing Dwarfs or Delves.
    Necrons are definatley in works, just pray Ward doesn't touch them, of you might have stories of emotional Necrons ;)
    But once they do get updated, it's time for the Krox to sit on the shelf so I can build my robotic army :D
    That was the plan.
    True, it's just application of certain xs to your opponent's ys. (But finding them is the hard bit I guess).
    Sooooo true, then you end up play not so much WHFB more like Rock Paper Scissors.
    Hehe, I love it, because I miss-treat my Skrox massivley, i'm always throwing them hap-harazdly at stuff (like swordsmasters) and I tell you, it works.... Sometimes.
    Now it is my turn: valid point haha.
    No, I didn't, like Caotl, I just like to debate.
    Does not compute.
    I don't believe I told him off, and if I was rude, I do apologise, no offense was meant, it's probably just too much Warseer time. I'll watch out for that now on though, thanks, JM.

    ....I just wall of text'd.
  4. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    I can definately sympathize here buddy, that place is striken with people who go crazy on the forums.
  5. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    'Tis like a disease, I think I might be sticking to race-specific forums now.
    Here for Lizzie stuff, UE for Skaven.
  6. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Asrai.org is another good forum. They keep a pretty decent reign on people who mash others and they have some pretty intelligent people there as well so it's a good place to learn about Wood Elf tactics and unit/character builds.
  7. Overhamsteren

    Overhamsteren Member

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    Tried units with 2 krox and 22 skinks 5 wide a long time ago and they didn't really work for me so turned to the saurus for my core for a long time. Have used 3 krox and 24 skinks 6 wide lately and they are very good, they last pretty long and the kroxigor gives good punch, strength 6 sometimes threatening things who would walk all over saurus. Immunity to stomping is nice too.
  8. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    You mean the Krox stop you from being stomped?
    Can I have a quote to this (if I don't have one, our Ogre player will never believe me)
    Thanks for pointing it out.

    JM: Is that a WE only site?
  9. Overhamsteren

    Overhamsteren Member

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  10. Grant

    Grant New Member

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    Pretty much stomp says that it can only be used against infantry and swarms. However, a skink cohort unit with kroxigors is not infantry, it is a "unique" unit type.
  11. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Absolutley made of win awesome.
    Thanks guys.
  12. Viarca

    Viarca New Member

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    Until I see an official ruling on the stomp thing, I'm a little wary of trying to enforce it. Would it mean that a Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace-containing Skaven unit is also immune to Stomp? I'm not saying you guys are wrong, I think the RAW allows for this interpretation, but it also seems to be another one of those fuzzy areas. Meta-game is everything though, so if people are cool with it where you play, more power to you, but no one seemed to go for the argument here.

    I also just noticed all the discussion earlier about Teclis. The only times I ever played a Teclis army was in a campaign over the summer and once against a newer player. Special charaters are pretty taboo among the regular Fantasy players here (40k is a different story). It seems to me though, Lizardmen have a pretty good answer for Teclis that would work well against many other opponents as well: the Blood Statuette of Spite (his T2 maks this awfully tempting). I'm not saying it's likely to take all 3 of his wounds regularly, but combine it on a SP with Cupped Hands and a Bane Head on a Slann (a combo I take often in my current 2500), and you threaten a lot of wizards (Teclis still takes the miscast results, since its not his, right?).

    On a note related to this thread, the SKrox units seem to do very well supported by the Lore of Light buffs. If they get a good WS and the -1 to hit them from Pha's Protection, then the T2 doesn't seem to really matter much (though Saurus become pretty scary buffed like this too). When I try them with a Slann using Lore of Life, they don't tend to perform well at all for me though.
  13. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.
    There is a titanic difference between Skrox and BellFurnace units.
    The Bell/Furnace is a character mount, it just can't leave that unit. Therefore, you can stomp the unit, not the Bell/Furnace. Saying you can't stomp those units, is like saying you can't stop Saurus from being stomped if them have a Cold One mounted hero in them.
  14. Viarca

    Viarca New Member

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    What is the titanic difference? It becomes a unit with a mixed profile and is no longer purely infantry, which seems to be the argument for the Skrox unit as well. Adding a mounted hero to a unit of infantry was another example given in the argument against this as well. Going to the FAQ for Curse of the Horned Rat/Dreaded 13th is the only real clarification, but even ten, the Bell/Furnace, while described as a "Special type of mount," is a non-character model with a unique profile (I think it can be inferred that this is the same as a normal character mount, but it is not expressly stated since it's "Special"). I had the printed FAQ for the Skaven and we addressed it and couldn't reach a consensus (some seemed to concede, while most did not).

    You can take a condescending tone all you want, but I still think it is far from clear, as Stomp and Curse of the Horned Rat are different things, and having to cite FAQs to indirectly address the issue isn't a definitive ruling. This is far from being the only fuzzy issue, and I think you have to go with the consensus in your metagame/area. I personally do not disagree with your interpretation, but the minute you start having to give a little wiggle room on the rules to allow something that hasn't been specifically addressed, you make way for a lot of other stuff.
  15. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    THe titanic difference is that Krox are purchases with the unit, and there is no possibilty of them not being in the unit one they're bought. The Bell/Furnace doesn't have to be in that unit, itcould go in another one (unless it's the only one on the table). Basically, my point is, that Krox are bought directly with the unit, and as such, prevent stomps. I do see your point, but in the Bell/Furnace area, it seems simple, ones in contact with the Bell/Furnace and nothing else can't stomp. Well, that's how i'd take it, it seems pretty clear to do something like that.

    That wasn't a condescending tone.

    You should tell that to all the people who say HPAs, DWs, etc can't get 11+ on their 3D6 movement and the like because of a OnG (or was it Daemons?) FAQ ;)
    Well, okay, that FAQ wont exist anymore if it was OnG because of the new book, but that cheesed me off that did.

    Oh, but I do agree on the consensus thing, everyone here will be fine with it, except the OK player, he finds ways to change his opinion based on his army.

    Ahem.... Rant off.... :oops:

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